When She Needs Them Most

: Chapter 1

Some pregnant women exude a radiant glow. Sadly, the nearly nine-month pregnant belly I’m rocking doesn’t scream elegance or grace. The roughly four-hour drive took six, due to all the stops I’ve had to make. My ankles ache, my feet hurt to move, and I’m clearly swollen from the trip, but my bladder is a significantly more pressing issue.

My car door flings open, and I grab my bag from the passenger seat. The cool blast of air I’m hit with is nice, considering how much my boobs are currently sweating.

Pregnancy complicates everything.

It’s winter.

Why does my bra feel like it’s the Fourth of July at a barbecue in Florida?

It takes considerable effort to roll out of my SUV seat similarly to a beached whale or possibly an overturned tortoise.

My feet hit the ground as my ankles tingle. I wiggle my toes, but they feel half numb. This wasn’t the right time to move. Not at all, but I didn’t have a lot of choices.

The first few steps toward the front of my SUV are questionable. I could probably pass for a newborn deer with wobbly baby legs. Hip checking the door closed, I turn to get a good view of my new home.noveldrama

Well, it’s something.

My head swivels as I check for the address where I’m supposed to collect the keys. Luckily, it’s the house just to the left. Waddling seems to be my only speed these days, but I put a little pep in my step with how terribly I need a restroom.

Making it to the door, I knock.

Only, it’s damn cold. The door has to be metal of some kind because a radiating ache spills out from my knuckles to my whole damn hand.

I shake it out as the door swings open.

A very confused-looking man frowns at me. His eyes immediately zero in on the belly. He’s tall with light brown hair. It’s curly on top and shaved close on the sides. Thick stubble in the same color lines his strong jaw. Oh, yeah, and he’s shirtless. His chest is covered with a pair of black angel wings. There’s something in a language I don’t speak tattooed just under his clavicles.

My eyes fly up to his as I take a step back.

Wow, he’s a really big guy. Extremely tall, though he’s not bulky at all. Oh, and he’s gorgeous, but that’s weird to notice when I’m heavily pregnant.

“Hey,” he says, blocking something from view. I think it’s a large-breed dog. “Can I help you with something?”

“Hi, I’m Chelsea. I was told I could pick up my keys here,” I say, giving as polite a smile as I can manage. I’m uncomfortable pretty much all the time lately, but my bladder is making things worse. I jerk a thumb toward my house. “I just rented the place next door.”

Wow, saying it out loud feels weird. I’ve always lived in apartments. Renting an actual house with a yard feels like a major step up, especially since Luna will be here before I know it.

“Oh, shit. Okay, come in. I’m Kason. You can call me Kase.” He grabs the collar of a large German shepherd, tugging her back into the house. “This is Sky. She’s friendly.”

I slide inside and fight the urge to pet the giant dog. She probably loves the cool weather with that thick coat of fur.

My bladder aches as Luna rolls around in my stomach. “Would it be possible for me to use your restroom? I’m sorry. I wouldn’t ask, but it’s an emergency.”

“Yeah, of course.” He releases the beast. “Follow me.” We head through a spacious entryway, and he nods to a small hallway. “Second door on the right. Let me grab your keys, and I’ll meet you back here.”

“Okay, thank you so much. Sorry, it was a long drive.” I head off without a backward glance. My life sure has gotten significantly more embarrassing since I got pregnant.

“Let’s see,” Kase says, holding out a manila envelope. “There are two sets of keys and even the contact info for the utility companies. Mrs. Wilson is nothing if not organized.”

“Great, thank you so much.” I take it as the furry dog rubs her body against my legs. She stares up at me with big brown eyes, so I shove the folder under my arm. “Is it okay if I pet her?”

“Yeah, go ahead. She’s an attention fiend.” Kase laughs, scratching at his bare chest.

My nose twitches as I pick up hints of blueberry and something nutty.

Wow, so, he’s definitely an alpha. It’s a rich, compatible scent that has me taking a step away to prevent doing something silly, like sniffing him up close and personal style.

It takes a lot of focus and some lower back pain to bend low enough to give Sky good scratches. Luckily, she helps by directing her body to where she wants me.

“Okay.” I groan, standing fully before pulling the envelope out from under my arm. “Well, I’ll get out of your hair. Thank you so much.”

“Do you have a flashlight? Did someone turn the heat on for you?” He frowns and shakes his head. “We’ve had the keys, so I’m going to say that’s a hard no. Let me grab my coat and shoes. Sky and I will come over with you.”

“That’s okay. I feel bad enough that I had to bother you.”

“Chelsea, right?”

“That’s me.”

“Do you have someone waiting in the car? Or coming to join you?”

Glancing away from his prying stare, my head shakes as I stare at the floor. I should have guessed that was coming.

“The movers should be here with my stuff tomorrow. They weren’t able to unload everything tonight because of the drive.” I shrug. “I tried to book them early in the morning, that way I only had to pay for the truck for one day, but it took a lot longer than they expected…”

His head tilts as he frowns so deeply, his forehead wrinkles. “Yeah, I’ll bet it did. All right, let me grab a jacket. I’d feel better if I came over with you just to walk through. The house has been vacant for almost six months.” His face breaks out into a grin, making his blueish-green eyes sparkle. “It’s that time of year. The raccoons are always looking for places to nest. You never know when they’ll break in and make your new home their oasis.”

“If you don’t mind.” I smile back. “Then, yeah, that would be great. Thank you.”

“Of course. That’s what neighbors are for.”

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