The Raven and The Snake

Book 7: Part 23 -minor fix-

Ariadne discreetly moved through the castle with her stone. She was throwing herself into preparations for the battle of Hogwarts though she wasn't entirely sure when it would happen. She had no idea if it was even possible for her to be present. With Delphini in tow, it was becoming harder for her to picture exactly where she ought to be during the actual battle. Truthfully, she wasn't really sure what a siege on the castle would look like. The school had a way of changing subtly over the years. Like the Room of Requirement, it often adjusted itself to suit the needs of its students.

The spire that was the Gryffindor dorms regularly changed in order to compensate for the students present. Rooms often came into being or disappeared as needed for accommodations. For example, the number of steps it had taken for Ariadne to reach the shared dorms in Slytherin house had always been the same. Despite the many rearrangements as she'd moved up in years and even when she'd gotten her own room to spare others from her nighttime wanderings, the number of steps it had taken her to go from the common room to her own bed had always been the same.

As though it was engrained, she had never gotten lost moving between the rooms inside her house. She had never accidentally stepped into one of the dorms for another year. She had never fallen sleepily into a bed that wasn't designated to her.

Staircases moved, halls elongated, even spooky corners seemed to come into existence just so Peeves the Poltergeist had a place to spring from to scare unwary students. The portraits often liked to have a game of musical chairs, asking the house-elves to move them to various places just to have something else to look at from time to time.

None of these things seemed particularly weird about a magical school when you were just trying to get through classes. As Ariadne was formulating strategies for defense, she became more aware of just how challenging it could be. It was a great relief that the Carrows made little effort to corral the Slytherin students, they rarely entered the dungeons. Indeed, they were so busy dogging the students of other houses that didn't have Death Eater relatives that they never noticed the small militia Ariadne was building beneath their feet.

Every chance she had, she was readying the students recruited by Willa for war. She had the younger students busy preparing and placing protective amulets in strategic places. They would also be mainly in charge of evacuating everyone that needed to leave.

As far as she knew, there was no way that any students would be held hostage by the school. Everyone would have a chance to make a run for it. Ariadne herself constantly reminded them that they could leave quietly rather than take up arms against many families of friends.

In some ways, Slytherin house had much more to lose than the rest. A fair number of students had seen the error in the ways of the Death Eaters. Many saw hypocrisies within their own families. The Death Eater values of purebloods being the best was a topic of much curious discussion now within Ariadne's circle.

Many questioned that if purity of blood was all that mattered, why had some of their own parents married muggles or muggle-borns? Why had so many denied the natures of massive portions of their families?

Even more that had been taught in muggle schools for half of their educations were frightened about what this war really meant. Muggle wars on similar topics had been fought in fairly recent history. Many were still facing consequences of what had happened between the muggles and faced the segregation in muggle society. How much worse could things get for them in the wizarding world? How long would it be before their own rights and social standing were challenged? When the students returned from their holidays, it was apparent that the holidays hadn't been pleasant for everyone. Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley didn't return on the train over holidays. Luna disappeared after Christmas, Ginny after Easter.

Luna had been taken hostage in order to bully her father Xenophilius into changing his tune in the Quibbler. For months he had been outspoken about how Potter ought to be protected and helped whenever possible.

Ginny hadn't been claimed by Death Eaters, but had gone into hiding with her family. Ariadne's contacts couldn't share much, but she knew that Bill Weasley had helped relocate his closest family. Ginny was now with her parents, a fugitive. Neville Longbottom was now the only leader of the DA, still attempting to make a stand. The purity of his blood made the Carrows reluctant to lay hands on him as much as others, but as the months continued to stretch, he was being backed into a corner.

The Room of Requirement was seeing an influx of students that were looking for sanctuary within the school. More and more of them needed to hide from the cruel, watchful eyes of the Carrows and their selected cronies.

Sometimes, Ariadne suspected that Draco knew what she was up to. He looked to her silently, meeting her eyes sorrowfully. He wouldn't approach her, simply gazing at her as though he longed to follow. She was his only family within the school and now more and more, one of his only allies.

Crabbe had returned to school with vigor. Now it was becoming very clear just how much he relished being good at something. The Dark Arts offered him power beyond what he'd ever been able to dream. The vileness of his and some of the other students' behavior seemed to increase as the year continued.

Ariadne chewed her lip, frowning at the students in front of her. Much to her annoyance, Hagrid had added to her workload. He had been caught by the Carrows, attempting to host a party in support of Potter. It had been a nice gesture as he'd wanted to offer help to the still active members of the DA, but as he'd fled the school, the post of teacher for Care of Magical Creatures was now open.

Professor Grubbly-Plank, an older witch that had subbed for Hagrid several times before, was currently unreachable. She, like many, was in hiding and Ariadne, not wanting Voldemort to send one of his Death Eaters to fill the post, had taken on the job.

Ariadne had graduated with high marks on her NEWTS for Care of Magical Creatures, but she did not know the first thing about teaching the subject. She couldn't leave the grounds with Delphini attached at her hip and it seemed lacking in decorum to raid Hagrid's hut for teaching materials.noveldrama

She was making do using Antigone as a specimen for study and calling on house-elves to offer nervous testimony as to their biology. A handful of Slytherin students had retorted upon seeing the elf, not understanding why they needed to learn anything at all about elves who were only servants.

Ariadne had insisted that the elf go into gruesome detail about communicable diseases that could be passed between their species. She'd also asked that they give agonizing descriptions about elf reproduction. Both topics effectively shut the mouths of those students as well as making it impossible to eat or fornicate for a fortnight.

Though Ariadne herself had learned far more than she'd ever wanted by pressuring the poor elf, she felt she had discovered a new way to encourage abstinence between students. That was good... right? Ariadne had to promise the elf that she would never have to talk to students again.

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