The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 24- Together-4

I swear I heard a sniffle of two from Norah but it was quickly masked by a cough.

"Good luck," Anna whispered, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I nodded.noveldrama

"I'm gunna need it..."

She gave me a smile before her and the girls turned away to the main entrance,

leaving me with the two burly men.

"This way, miss," one said.

I followed them to a side entrance where I would stand until I was called. They shut the

door behind them as they left me alone in the stone hallway.

I peeked out and I could look at the sea of white clothes and little candles that

everyone held. I saw Whitney and Lindsey sitting beside Ian; none of them had candles but they were trying to blow out the woman's in front of them.

I saw Bates sitting beside Blaine on the front row and almost ran out to take the candle from him.

Who decided it was a good idea to give that boy fire?!

He seemed mesmerized by it as he waved his hand through the flame. When his trick failed and he burnt himself, he yanked his hand back and yelped causing Blaine to almost fall out of his seat laughing.

I snickered too and had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing loudly. The colosseum was lit only by the candles that the five-thousand wolves held. It was more than enough light to say the least. A relaxing and enchanting glow was cast over the entire place. All of the seats were set up around a single platform. It wasn't a very big one but it would do for the ceremony.

All of the chatter quickly dissolved as the five elders, the leaders of each of Luca's divisions, stepped onto the stage. One of them was Elder Balen, the man I'd met when Luca and I made our visit to the training grounds, the day I'd met Blaine.

The man in the middle's loud booming voice spoke and his words echoed over the crowd.

"Warriors! Wolves! Women and children alike! We are gathered here today to accept Caroline Blair of the Ephraim Pack, not only as one of your fellow pack members but as

your Luna! To do so, will be her mate and soon-to-be Alpha: Luca Ronan!"

The whole place erupted into cheers as Luca walked to the stage from the side

entrance across from me where he had been waiting.

He wore white denim jeans and no shirt or shoes. I could practically hear the drool that dripped out of every female wolves' mouth; including mine.

I leaned against the stone wall and crossed my arms as I waited for Luca to finish his speech about how the pack is to honor and respect their Luna. Most of the rules made me roll my eyes but other than that, I had ignored most of them all together. If I walked into a room and everyone got silent and bowed their head out of reverence, I was likely to blow a fuse.

Luca stepped off to the side and the man who had been speaking at the beginning stepped forward again.

"If Caroline Blair would please step forward now," he said.

Everyone turned to look at me and I pushed myself off the wall and nervously made my way to the stage. I kept telling myself not to trip and thankfully my footing complied.

The sound of gasps filled the air and I almost started crying.

Did I look bad? Did I look like a slut? I looked like a slut, didn't I? I knew I shouldn't have worn that outfit!

I tried to hold in the tears as I waked onto the platform.

I finally looked up to see Luca's expression and when I did, he walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"You are making it a whole lot harder to wait through this ceremony in that," he whispered.

So maybe I didn't look so bad...?

The approval of my mate was all I needed and after he pulled away from me I held my head higher and was much more confident about this.

Luca gave me a wink as Elder Balen started to talk. I don't even remember what he was

talking about, Luca and I were much too busy staring at each other.

All I remember was that when the clock rang at midnight, everyone blew out their candles.

The moon was positioned just over us and it shone directly down.

I could see clearly as one elder reached off the stage to take a bejeweled goblet into

his hands. We all formed a circle and the cup was passed around. It was supposed to represent unity, but all it was to me was bad-tasting water.

The minute after midnight was over, all the candles were re-lite in the room, illuminating everything once again.

"Wolves of the Possente Lupo Pack, I gladly present to you: Caroline Ronan, Luna of Possente Lupo Pack and my mate!" Luca shouted.

The entire place jumped up and roared to life with a deafening sea of applauses. Luca laughed and pulled me in for a short kiss.

Bates and Blaine joined us on the stage as people used their candles to light lanterns, which they let go and let float away.

"Everyone's going to want to talk to their new Luna now," Blaine said to Luca. "If you're going to leave, I'd do it now."

Luca took my hand and gave Bates and Blaine final instructions to do God knows what. As we were walking away, Bates stopped us.

"Aww, look at my OTP about to go and do the dirty," he said. "Remember, if this baby you're about to make is a boy, we're naming it Bates Jr."

I gave him a weird look as I tried to decipher whether or not he was joking. Luca just

rolled his eyes but there was still a smile plastered on his face.

As soon as we had escaped out the side door, he hoisted me up on his back. "Hold on tight," he warned.

Luca took off running before I could even ask where we were going. All I could do was

obey and try not to cut off his circulation at the same time.

After fifteen minutes of fast running, he came to a clearing in the forest.

"What on earth are we doing?" I asked as he set me down on the mossy ground.

He pointed up and I followed his gaze.

"Wow..." was all I could say.

It was a massive treehouse maybe thirty feet in the air, tucked into a large oak tree and almost completely hidden by the leaves and branches of the tress surrounding it. "Come on," Luca chuckled.

He lifted me on his back again and climbed up a rope ladder that hung down beside the trunk with ease.

Luca reached the top and opened a trap door above us and climbed in. He set me on the floor as he pulled up the ladder and closed the door behind him.

The ceiling of the treehouse was as tall as a normal house's ceiling would be and it was

very spacious considering it wrapped around the entire tree.

As I looked around and noticed all the candles and rose petals that were scattered everywhere, I knew one thing for certain...

... I wasn't leaving this place an un-mated she wolf.


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