The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 131

lan POV

An angel in disguise. That was my wife. She danced with Knox, a wide smile on her face, the marquee set up in record time during the ceremony, her blonde hair flowing behind her as I fought to contain my jealousy, a drink in my hand, my father seated beside me, looking relaxed as he crossed his ankles and leaned back against the chair.

"It was a beautiful ceremony," he said wistfully "Just lovely."

I wondered if he was remembering his own wedding with our mother from the expression on his face.

"hmmm" I murmured, "it was, please excuse me for a moment."

My father nodded absent-mindedly as I began to make my way towards Flair, whispering into her ear as she nodded eagerly before going and grabbing Rachel and Lorelai.

I went in search of the minister who was enjoying the reception. "I appreciate everything you've done for my family and me" I began persuasively as the man nodded with a big smile, tapping his foot to the music "But I was wondering if it was possible to ask you for a favor?" I smiled at him winningly as he looked at me intrigued.

Never let it be said that the Grants weren't a persuasive bunch, I thought with satisfaction as I crossed back over to the marquee and politely tapped on Knox's shoulder. He paused as I chuckled and then I leaned in to murmur into his ear, his eyes widening in shock before he huffed out a big laugh.

"Brilliant," he said, staring at me and shaking his head "I can't believe none of us thought of it. But are you sure..." he trailed off looking at Lorelai who was also just as confused.

"I have a feeling that Dawn won't mind," I said gently almost certain of it "In fact, I would say it would make the day more special to her."

Knox grinned and went in search of Grayson and Timothy. My wife looked at me, raising a brow. "Why do I have the feeling that you've just organized another surprise," she said frankly "and that it has something to do with my mother?"

I looked at her nonchalantly, reaching out to touch her hair, feeling its silken strange flow through my fingers, a small smile on my face "Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't" I teased.

She put her hands on her hips and eyed me meaningfully "lan Grant" she said, pursing her lips "Spill, what have you done?" she demanded icily.

I grinned. She was adorable when she was pretending to be mad. I c****d my head, and she fumed, making her look even


"You're so beautiful," I said teasingly and she instantly deflated, looking defeated.

"Are you going to tell me?" she asked with a sigh as I took her into my arms and began to sway side to side with her.

"In a minute, just let me hold you" I murmured resting my head on top of hers.

She willingly relaxed in my arms. It felt so right, so perfect. She was light as a feather in my arms, the small swell of her stomach pressing against me, a constant reminder that she was carrying our twins. I felt love swell in my heart. We danced, Dawn lifting her face up and closing her eyes, her facial expression one of bliss.noveldrama

"Thank you" she murmured "for what you've done. This is exactly the type of wedding I dreamed of lan. You did it perfectly," she said.

I made a point of looking at the few small tables present, and the large marquee with oodles of space, and raised a brow "You mean empty?" I joked.

She swatted me playfully. I laughed. She giggled and glanced towards the marquee, in time to see a confused Carina and Faith being escorted towards the front, while the minister obligingly got up, a wide smile on his face.

Knox nodded at me. I reluctantly peeled my hands away from my wife's luscious body. I made a mental note to explore as much of her as possible later, tonight, when Faith was asleep, my mouth watering at the thought. It had been way too long since we had been intimate. I could barely hold onto my self-restraint as it was. I smoothed down my jacket and gave Dawn a winning smile.

"Come on," I said holding out my hand "We have somewhere to be."

She followed behind while Knox rounded up my father and everyone began to form a semi-circle, a confused Carina and my father shooting each other a glance as they looked around at everybody who was grinning widely at them.

"What's going on?" my father blustered as Knox pushed him next to Carina while the minister raised a brow, waiting patiently for us to fill the couple in on our master plan.

"Well," I said slowly, as Flair and Knox nodded solemnly "it occurred to us that we should take advantage of this opportunity while it was provided to us."

My father still looked confused but Carina's eyes were beginning to gleam and I could see that Dawn was beginning to catch on as well as she fought back a giggle.

"What on earth are you talking about," my father said bewildered "This is your day isn't it? What could you possibly want now?" he demanded baffled.

Flair smiled winningly at him, while Grayson pretended he had no idea what was going on "Father, it's been a long time since we've seen you so happy" she said kindly "And you're engaged to Carina here" She motioned toward's Dawn's mother smiling widely "but if we leave it up to you, you'll continue to prolong making wedding plans because you're the most disorganized person we know" she said bluntly.

My father's eyes widened. "You pushed us all to get married in order to have a happy life with the woman we chose" Knox was the next to speak, his eyes wide and his voice tense "and you didn't care about the effect it had on the company or our name, so long as we were happy with our decision. That was your very own words" he reminded our father with satisfaction.

"Well yes but.." my father looked flabbergasted and at a loss for words.

"You have always been there for us," I said smoothly "to the point of putting yourself last. You put your life on hold for us once Mother died, ensuring that we grew up without missing out on anything. As fathers go, you've been the best one we could have ever hoped to have" I told him as his eyes turned shiny and misty.

"But we don't want you to put your life on hold for us anymore" Flair concluded, shaking her head as my father stared at her "We want you to be as happy as we are in ours. We want you to live a fulfilling life while you are still able to enjoy it, with the one you love." Carina was trembling as she listened. I saw my wife reach out and grip her mother's hand, squeezing it tightly in reassurance. The minister's face was wreathed in smiles. When I had asked him for this favor, he had been all too willing.

"Are you saying" my father whispered, glancing over at Carina, his face uncertain, but his eyes filled with a longing that couldn't be denied.

"We couldn't" Carina objected and I saw my father's shoulders sink slightly "It's your special day" she protested, glancing between me and Dawn.

"Mother" Dawn's voice was sharp "It is our special day and we are choosing to share it, isn't that right lan? I can't think of anything that would make today any better than watching you exchange vows with the man you love on the same day. I want the same thing for you that Mr Grant's sons and daughter want for him. I know how much you've sacrificed for mine and Faith's sake" her voice broke slightly "and I don't want you sacrificing anymore. You only have so much time in this world" her voice turned gentle "Shouldn't you spend as much of it with the person you love? You've been lucky enough to get a second chance, why deny it?" she pressed.

My father was looking at Carina, a questioning look on his face. "We don't have rings or..."

"Actually you do" Flair winced "I um had Rachel design some for the future when you got married and I brought them today for you to approve of. I had Knox measure your ring size secretly" she confessed, opening her purse and withdrawing two rings as my father and Dawn's mother stared at her in shock "it was meant to be a surprise, but I guess it worked out well" she said with some satisfaction "as you can use them today."

"But, but" my father was still looking dumbly at all of us "aren't you upset about this? I don't want you to think I'm betraying the memory of your mother," he said, although his eyes went back to Carina.

"Father, not taking the chance on love again, would be an insult to Mother," I said as the others nodded in agreement "She would have wanted you to be happy again. She loved you. But she wouldn't have wanted you to be alone all these years. Don't use her as an excuse to miss out on the best thing that's ever happened to you now" I warned.

It was like all the fight left him. He coughed and then held his hand shyly out to Carina whose eyes had begun to sparkle. Dawn was all smiles, her hand to her mouth. "Well Carina," he asked softly as he looked at her lovingly "Would you do me the absolute honor of marrying me today, despite my children's interference" he added to soft laughter "as it would make me the happiest man alive."

Carina sniffled "I would love to, despite the interference" She shot us all looks, but she was smiling "And I can't think of anything better than having everybody already here with us today."

She gave a laugh, as my father stepped up beside her, both of them turning to face the ever-patient minister whose own eyes were sparkling and shiny with tears close to falling. The man looked emotional as he cleared his throat, the rest of us gathering behind our parents. I couldn't have planned this any more perfectly. My wife was glowing with excitement. I picked up Faith and put her on my shoulders so she could see what was happening in front of her. The other babies were still being watched by the nanny upstairs but would soon join us at the reception. I could see the love shining in my father's eyes as he gazed at the woman about to become his bride. There was nothing but anticipation on his face. Carina was calm, but I saw her glance one last time over her shoulder at Dawn who nodded encouragingly at her.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to witness the nuptials between Carina Evans and...." the minister began, as we all fell silent, our faces turned expectantly forwards.

Who would have guessed that today would result in not one, but two weddings and all of the Grants married in the end?

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