Sinful Hearts: A Dark Mafia Enemies To Lovers Romance

Sinful Hearts: Chapter 23

Technically speaking, I have an office at Thermopylae Acquisitions. I’ve just never once actually used it. To me, this whole city is my office. Sometimes my office is my home. Other times, a bar or a café. Still others, the nature of the work I do for my family doesn’t really entail an “office” at all.

I mean smashing someone’s nose in or lighting their car on fire doesn’t really come with a casual Friday dress code or mandatory holiday party.

Today, since I am actually doing work-work, as opposed to hurting people or trashing their personal property, I’m at the family home on Central Park South. We lived here when we were kids, back before Mom died and our father moved us all to London—a city he always preferred to New York.

Since we’ve returned, the full-time occupancy has dropped. Ares and Neve are in their glass and steel loft over on the west side. I’ve got my place in Brooklyn, though I do keep a room at the main house. And Deimos is in London, obviously. Which leaves Callie, Kratos, and of course Ya-ya, who never left at all.

It’s a comically large house for just three people. But it works for them. And I do love catching up on my work here, especially when I can set up shop outside, like today. Even if that work entails answering emails, which is arguably my least favorite thing in the world to do.

Who the fuck still even sends emails? I barely ever check mine. We all have smartphones. Why are we not just texting? Email is all just digital junk mail these days anyway.

But, as I am doing my least favorite activity, I’m also taking breaks roughly every two minutes to check my phone.

Like a complete. Fucking. Jackass.

Because, obviously, I’m compulsively looking for anything from Elsa.

Because, also obviously, I have somehow turned into one of those incredibly lame, simpering guys who checks his phone every ninety-eight seconds to see if the girl he likes has texted him.

It’s all incredibly pathetic and uncool.

But it’s been a quiet few day on the Elsa front, since the night I sent her the lingerie and the toys. I’m actually regretting sending those, because it seems to have shut her right the fuck up.

She went completely offline that night without really ending our text conversation, which is unusual for her. She gave me some bullshit excuse the next day about her sister needing her or something. But even after that, it’s been a few days without much of anything besides the odd message here and there.

I can tell myself all I like that she’s busy, and married to her job, and all that shit. Or that Crown and Black has a giant gala event for their high-roller clients tomorrow night, that’s probably eating up a bunch of her time.

But still…

I glance at the phone for the umpteenth time.

Still nothing.

You fucking pathetic pussy.

“Well, now I get why you’re never actually at the office.”

I turn, nodding at Ares as he walks across the garden to where I’m sitting at the outdoor dining table. He drops into a chair across from me and drums his fingers on the top of the table.

“What can I say, Ares, I’m just livin’ that vagabond life. Midtown, Brooklyn, Little Odessa, K-town. The world is my oyster. Who knows where I’ll end up next?”

He smirks, shaking his head before his brow furrows.

“I need to ask you something.”


“You’re not going to like it.”

“Ruh-row, Shaggy.”

He gives me his signature big brother Ares “stop fucking around” look. I shut my mouth.

“What’s going on with you and Elsa?”


I clear my throat. “Elaborate?”

“C’mon, man. Don’t make me wade through the bullshit. I know you’re seeing her.”

“I’m not seeing her


I scowl at his scolding tone. “And what if I am, anyway? It’s none of your concern or business.”

“Actually, it literally is. Because you know we’ve been trying to get her to come work for the family full-time. And because you’re you, Hades…”

My lips curl.

“…and this is one woman I cannot have running off or losing her shit because you fuck her over or make promises you’re never going to keep.”

“Oh, fuck off, Ares.”

“I’m not trying to be an asshole here, brother,” he growls. “I’m really, really not. But even now, as our person at Crown and Black, she’s an important part of our business, and you’re—”

Fuck. You.” I hiss. “You know why I’m the way I am.”

Ares looks away, his jaw tight and his face grim.

I know, man,” he finally says quietly, turning back. He reaches across the table, gripping my shoulder firmly as he nods. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to imply that you’re this—”

“Man-whore who’s obviously just only ever thinking with his dick and who will obviously do anything, maybe ruin everything, just to get laid?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You kind of did.”

He sighs. “So, you’re seeing her. Yeah?”

I look away. “It’s complicated.”

“Well, let me simplify it, then, since it’s obvious neither of you have thought this through.”

“Ares, so help me God, if you try and ‘dad’ me right now, I’ll fucking snap.”

“I’m not trying to dad anyone,” he barks. “I’m trying to help you.”noveldrama

“Really? Is that what this is?”

He rolls his eyes. “Man, have you even thought about how badly this could blow up in her face? She’s worked her ass off her entire life to get this position.”


“And she’s in a professional relationship with our family. Are you even aware that you sleeping with her creates a massive ethics violation?”

“Yeah, but it’s like jaywalking. No one enforces—”

“She could be disbarred, Hades. Or at the very least, if Taylor, Gabriel, or Alistair finds out, they could fire her. They’d almost have to fire her to cover their own asses legally.”

I’m silent.


Admittedly, I didn’t actually know that.

But it doesn’t change a thing.

Not when she’s under my fucking skin and haunting my every waking moment like a fucking addiction.


“You know what, man?” I stand. “The office has been a real grind today. So I’m taking a lunch.”

He exhales, shoving his fingers through his hair. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m just—”

“Do us both a favor and stay the absolute fuck out of my personal life. Case closed. Okay?”

He sucks on his teeth. But then he nods.

“Anything else we need to chat about?”

“Yeah, actually.” He sighs. “But you’re going to like it even less.”

“Jesus Christ, now what?”

“Serj Mirzoyan’s reached out with a personal ask. He floated the idea of you taking Vanya as your date to the Crown and Black gala tomorrow night.”

I snort, rolling my eyes and looking away.

Then I realize he’s serious.

“Wait, you’re not fucking with me?”

“Nope. Look, I know you’re not a fan of hers. But…”

I sigh. “But it’s a request from Serj, and if he says jump and we ask how high, that puts us in a good position to close this deal before Gavan can muscle in on it.”

Ares sighs. “Well…yeah.”

I grit my teeth.

Fine. I’m really leaving now—”

“He’d also like for you to come over today to meet with her, get re-acquainted…” He grimaces. “And formally ask his permission to take her to the Crown and Black thing.”

“It’s a fucking gala, not a wedding chapel.”

He sighs again. “I know. And I don’t enjoy asking you to do this. But…” he shrugs. “All Serj is asking for is for you to wine and dine his daughter a bit and play nice with him. I think it might help us. A lot, actually.”

I grimace. “Fuck it. Fine.”

Ares nods. “Thank you. Really. I appreciate it.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I mutter before I turn back to him. “And you did enjoy asking me to do this, didn’t you, asshole?”

He grins. “Maybe a little.”

“Maybe go fuck yourself a little.”

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