Married for Inheritance-Divorced for Freedom

Chapter 14 Moving Forward

Hannah and Darrian sat side by side on the couch, the weight of their secret pressing down like a heavy fog. They knew that telling Becky and Ray the truth about Ray's parentage would be difficult, and they both feared the consequences of dropping such a bombshell on their family. "We have to tell them soon," Hannah said, her voice tinged with worry. Darrian nodded, his brow furrowed with concern. "I know, but we must be prepared for how they might react. The last thing we want is to hurt them." They discussed the best and worst-case scenarios late into the night. The best case was that Ethan and his sister would continue to accept Ray as their brother, regardless of biology. The worst case was that Ray would be devastated to learn the truth about his biological mother and the circumstances surrounding his birth. As they planned, they knew they couldn't predict how Becky and Ray would react. They would have to approach the situation delicately and be prepared to support them through whatever emotions surfaced.

Ethan remained oblivious to the impending revelation, believing Charmaine to be his biological mother. This frustrated Hannah and Darrian, as Charmaine had deceived Ethan for so long.

"We have to prioritise telling Becky and Ray first," Darrian insisted, his jaw clenched with determination. Then we will have to do something about Ethan. Hannah nodded in agreement, her heart heavy with the weight of the secret they carried. They both knew that the truth would come out eventually, and they had to be the ones to reveal it.

The weekend was planned so the little family would spend quality time together and Ethan could bond with his siblings and biological mother. The sun shone brightly as Darrian, Hannah, and the kids piled into the car, ready for a weekend full of fun and adventure. Darrian had planned a special day for the children, starting with a trip to the theme park that Ethan had eagerly looked forward to. As they drove, the kids chattered excitedly. Becky narrated her dreams of riding roller coasters, and Ray and Ethan shared their excitement about trying different rides.

Upon arriving at the theme park, Ethan's eyes widened with delight at the towering roller coasters and colourful attractions. Charmaine, who had just arrived at the park with her mother, Naomi, saw Lady Rose's back as she walked beside Darrian with feelings of jealousy. She quickly assumed that Lady Rose was the one Darrian was spending time with, and anger and hurt swelled within her.

Charmaine rushed over to Darrian, demanding to know why she wasn't included in the outing with Ethan. Darrian, taken aback by her sudden appearance, explained that this was a special day for him and his son. Feeling rejected and left out, Charmaine lashed out, accusing Darrian of favouring Lady Rose over her and threatening to reveal their secret to Grandpa Martin.

With a heavy heart, Darrian gently but firmly told Charmaine that this was a family day, just for him and the kids. As the tension lingered in the air, Darrian drove off with Hannah and the twins, leaving Charmaine in the parking lot, seething with anger and frustration.

The day at the theme park was filled with laughter, screams of joy, and moments of pure happiness. The children rode on all the thrilling rides, indulged in delicious treats, and made unforgettable memories together. As the sun set, Darrian took Ethan home first, wanting to have a private conversation with him before discussing the situation with the twins. He changed his mind, thinking Ethan was too spoilt to appreciate another child who was not his biological sibling. Darrian dropped Ethan off and then proceeded to take the others home.

The adults reflected on the activities; Darrian eagerly took the children to the hotel to give his kids a memorable day. When they entered the family suite, their eyes widened at seeing the humongous room filled with comfortable beds and cosy corners. They packed their belongings and headed for lunch at a nearby restaurant. When they arrived, they first wanted to ride the train that circled the park, taking in the sights and sounds around them. He hoped that the bonding would make them realise what a real family felt like and that they would want to be part of this loving family. Next, they visited the petting area to meet some friendly animals, giggling as they petted the soft fur of rabbits and sheep. The kids insisted on riding the little kid's roller coaster and bumping into each other on the bumper cars, their laughter infectious. Throughout the day, they rode all the rides, played all the games, and indulged in snacks and ice cream to keep their energy up. As the sun set, they went to the kids' pool, splashing and laughing in the water, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

As the day came to a close, the exhaustion set in, and the bed arrangements had to be settled. Darrian decided that he and the boys would sleep together, not wanting Ethan to discover that he was staying over at Hannah's house. Darrian was determined to protect Hannah and the twins at all costs. Hannah and Becky ended up sharing a bed, their family bond growing stronger each day, leaving the love-starved adults with little time alone. As they all settled into their beds, the day's events catching up with them, they drifted off to sleep, grateful for the moments of joy and togetherness they had shared.

The following day, Darrian looked at Ethan at breakfast and said, "I have a lot to discuss with the twin's mom. I'll drop you off first at home, and then we'll take the twins home together." Everything went as planned.

Back at home, as the twins settled down for the night, Hannah and Darrian knew it was time to have a meaningful conversation with them. Sitting together in the living room, they explained the situation carefully and honestly, letting the twins process the information and make their own decisions with the guidance and support of their parents.

As they sat down with the twins, Hannah took a deep breath and said, "Becky, you know that you and Ethan have a strong resemblance, but your brother Ray is slightly different from you two. Do you have any idea why?" Becky furrowed her brow, thinking. Ray asked, "Is it because the doctor said I was albino?" Darrian smiled, "That's one reason. Can you think of another reason?" Ray hesitantly said, "Could it be because I have a different dad?" Darrian's heart clenched at his words. Becky looked between them, processing the information.

Darian finally said, "That could be true." Becky spoke up, her voice firm, "He's still my brother, right?" Darrian locked eyes with her, "He is your brother."

He glanced at Hannah, silently communicating that they needed to stop there. She nodded in agreement, knowing it was enough for now for the twins. At least they knew that Darrian might not be Ray's biological father. As they wrapped up the conversation, Darrian silently promised Ray to find a delicate way to handle the situation. The story was far from over.

But as the night unfolded, tensions simmered beneath the surface, leaving Darrian and Hannah wondering what the future held for their family and the secrets they had been keeping. They knew the love and bind the twins shared; even if Ray had different parentage it would all work out in the end. It sure doesn't break them; it will bring them closer, and family ties will strengthen.

My Beloved Readers,noveldrama

The events are getting complicated but how will all this resolve? Let's read on to find out what happens next.

Love always,

Your author.

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