Maid for the Mafia

Maybe if I...


I watched Alex as he stepped toward the door to leave, panting against the wall as my mind scrambled to come up with a way to soothe him. Maybe if I did something to make it up to him. Or, behaved like the robotic slave that he wanted me to be for the rest of the day, he would reconsider my... punishment. Without knowing exactly what it was he had planned for me, I wasn't even sure if I should be afraid or... if I should be excited.

My neck felt a bit raw and heated from his kisses just now, and a ravenous ache pulsed between my folds. I whimpered, pressing my head back against the wall and closing my eyes against the steady thrum in my clit. "Wait!" I said breathlessly. Only opening my eyes when I heard Alex sigh angrily. His back was to me, his hand on the door handle, white knuckled and flexing. "Alex," I beconned, in a half-moan.

His body stiffened at the sound of my voice and he chuckled darkly. The sound of it, so low, I could barely hear it at all. When his fingers slid from the glinting brass of the handle, I watched him shake his head as he began to remove his jacket. The wanton siren that I had buried inside of me, began to sing with the promise of victory as wetness coated my mound. Before Alex could even turn around, I had lifted the hem of my sweatshirt and discarded it. It dropped to the floor with a silent whisper, leaving me in only my bra and my old tattered jeans.

The smirk that was stretched across Alex's arrogant face as he confidently spun back around, stuttered and melted against the sudden fire in his emerald gaze. His jaw clenched, the delicious outline of his muscles swelling beneath his crisp white shirt. He shook his head at me, as if to tell me, *'I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work**. But I wanted it to, and I refused to back down now that I had started. Despite that he had yet to take a step toward me, I could see the absolute yearning in the black of his gaze. The bra that I was wearing was just a smidgen too tight, and barely contained the nipples of my round double Ds.

"Alex," I said again, pushing off the wall gently as I began to unbutton my jeans.

He sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes glued to my fingers as I began to slide the soft denim of my pants over the wide curves of my hips. Sliding out of my sneakers, I pushed my pants down to the ground and stepped out of them. I walked slowly toward the front of his desk, feeling the violent storm within his eyes track me the entire way. Turning around to face him, I leaned back against the heavy oak surface and waited.

"You have work to do," he growled, his hands fisting as he glared at me. "You..." he trailed off as I bit my lip and attempted to look nervous.

I mean, I *was nervous, don't get me wrong, but the arousal that fired my blood each time that Alex exerted his dominance over me was like a drug. A high that I had been careful thus far, not to indulge in. It was violent and raw, and so unpredictable that one could end up lost in it. Or worse... completely destroyed.

When his lip lifted into a sneer and he glared down at his feet in anger, I began to feel pretty dumb. *How stupid of me to try something like this. This isn't me! I've never seen myself as a seductress. What the hell was I even thinking?* I sighed, straightening up and taking a careful step toward my clothes.

"Don't you dare fucking move," he hissed suddenly, his eyes flashing with fury.

I froze, crossing my arms over myself protectively as he stalked toward me.

"I suppose you think"-he spat through clenched teeth, reaching up to begin unbuttoning his shirt-"that if you give me what I want"-he paused, flexing his jaw and focusing on the apex of my thighs-"I will reconsider punishing you." "No, I just-"noveldrama

"No?!" he interrupted me, snatching my chin in his hand as his shirt fell open to reveal the heavily muscled planes of his torso. He stared down into my eyes, towering over me as he glared. "Do not fucking lie to me," he spat. "I have played many games, against many opponents, and I know a fucking bribe when I see one."

I shivered as even more heat pooled between my legs. "It's not a bribe," I insisted, only half lying.

"Unfortunately, for you," he began, releasing my chin to completely remove his shirt. "The only thing that I want... the only thing you could offer me to change your fate... is exactly what I will be taking from you tonight."

I trembled, my eyes drinking in the deeply tanned skin of his powerfully developed arms and the massively toned expanse of his chest. I wanted to touch him. I *ached* to run my fingers over the chiseled dips of his flesh and feel his muscles flex beneath my hands.

He chuckled, then shook his head in amazement as he noticed my feverish perusal, before reaching forward to grasp my hips between his hands. "You think you can fool me," he stated. "You think you can bat those wicked blue eyes of yours in my direction and I will suddenly believe that you actually desire me," he growled, and my brows furrowed. *What?* "You can't play me like you play the rest of them," he hissed.

My arms dropped to my sides as I observed him, my chest heaving as I shook my head in denial of his claims.

"Oh no?" he mocked me, snorting in disgust as he released my hips. "Would you like me to prove it?"

"Alex!" I protested, grabbing each of his forearms as he gripped the table behind me angrily. His muscles beneath my palms were strained, the veins popped out and pulsing with rage. I wasn't sure what had gotten into him. Or why he, all of a sudden, cared whether I found him attractive or not, but I suddenly wanted nothing more than to taste his lips. "Alex," I said again, reaching my hand up to his face and gently caressing his cheek.

"That does it," he snapped, before snatching my hand away painfully, and pushing himself forward until I was forced to bend backward over the desk at an uncomfortable angle. He snarled in my face, a wild look of hatred in his eyes. "I'm going to see for myself what game it is that you are playing," he growled, gripping my hair in the fist of one hand while the other circled my throat. "And when I have my proof, and you are just as dry between your legs as I expect you will be," he laughed. "I am going to stuff my cock so far back into your neck that my balls will swell on your tongue."

I whimpered as the sharp edge of his desk dug cruelly into my back, but didn't protest. *This fucker thinks that he's won. He has no idea.* A slow satisfaction began to blossom inside of me as I realized what he intended to do. He released my throat, stroking his hand over my curves angrily, as if hating that he couldn't help but but touch them. Then he jerked my head up so that I could look into his eyes, smirking as he violently shoved his hand into the front of my panties. I hissed at the feel of his calloused fingers as they approached my slit, my hips bucking in anticipation as they finally crested my folds.

I knew the very second he realized his mistake, because his smirk disappeared and his angry eyes shuttered. The fist in my hair gentled, his palm opening to cradle my head as the fingers of his other hand began to pinch and explore as they bathed in my juices.

"Damn you," he choked out, the green of his gaze going black as he searched my eyes. "You are so fucking wet for me."

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