Chapter 59
This is the last straw. I came here to clear my head, and to do business, and the reason for my stress appears in the middle of a meeting at that. Angel just loves making me angry! Although deep down, I was moved that he came looking for me. "God, now I have an event to plan in less than a week because of that idiot!" I exclaimed as I called Amelia.
"Good morning to my favorite best friend," she sang as she answered. At least someone is happy. "I'm your only best friend; at least you're happy," I said in a foul mood.
"Oh, why are you in a terrible mood? What happened? Don't tell me that we didn't close the deal?"
"The deal was done, and we already have the contract signed. I am not upset about that. Do you know who is here? Or rather, who showed up in the middle of a business meeting?"
"You're in another country, and I'm here, so it's impossible to know," Amelia replied while rolling her eyes.
"It's Angel! He just showed up out of nowhere. As if nothing had happened! Like a selfless husband looking for his wife!" I told her in irritation.
"Are you telling me that Angel the hottie is in France? How did he know you were in France?"
"I don't know. I thought you told him."
"No, not me. Don't get me into that, girl. I told you I wasn't going to say anything, and I didn't say anything. But what did he say to you when he showed up? He had to give you some reason." "Nothing; he just said he wanted to surprise me, and since I didn't tell him where I was, he sought me." I breathed deeply. "But that's not the problem. The problem is that he butted into the meeting and Mattias liked him too much, and now they both came up with a fashion show in a week, so we have a job."
"In a week?! Sofia, we can't do a show in seven days! We have to bring the products there. We need to prepare the models, the place, the advertising, everything! Sofia, this is going to be a disaster. I'm going to kill Angel!"
"You're not going to kill him because I don't want to be a widower yet, although I would help you kill him right now. Mattias is in charge of the place and he has it prepared, as well as the models. Now what we have to do is to select the most important products, the ones that have the most sales, and bring them here. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Jo b n lb. co-m. Visit Jobn I b-com to read the complete chapters for free. As for advertising, well, that's the least important thing. I can take care of distributing the information on the networks, which reminds me that I still have to call Isaac and have him help me with that as well. God, this is stressful!"
"Sofia, this must be done with thorough planning; we also have to launch the new products," Amelia reminded me, looking so distressed.
"Yes, I know. Angel just had to come and turn everything upside down."
"Okay, it's done, so there's no need to stress ourselves out. Don't forget your sugar, and I can't get angry because wrinkles come with it. How are we going to get everything there?"
"On Angel's plane," I found myself saying after thinking about it, and she looked stunned. "What? He said he was going to help, so that's the least he can do. Choose the best dresses, including swimwear, sports, casual, elegant, and men's clothing. With the accessories, you must bring the entire collection from this year that is still on sale."
"Aren't we bringing anything from the new collection?"
"No, that is for the launch at the end of next month. We are going to have to postpone it. The idea was to find a place here for the launch and to be able to set up the branch in France, but with this, I don't have time for anything. Oh, Angel!"
"Don't worry too much; I'm sure we can handle all this. I'm going to work with the girls to see about the collection; you talk to Angel about the plane. The earliest I can be there is tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. By the way, have you reconciled with him?"
"Do I look like a woman who has just reconciled with the man she wants to kill? No, of course not. I don't even want to see his face. I can't believe he came here."
"If he went there for something, it must be you, and you should give him credit for destroying Elisa."
"After I gave him her information and he chose her instead of me? No, thanks. Now he's saying that he loves me and adores me? Well, too bad because I don't."
"Girl, you're just saying that."
"Amelia, you are my best friend; you are supposed to help me and support me so that the man who doesn't deserve me doesn't get me."
"The man who doesn't deserve you is your husband, and you love him. He is showing you that he loves you, although I can support you in making him suffer because he deserves it. Forgive me, but I am a fan of yours. Have I told you that you look cute together? If you think about it, you'll let Elisa win if you two separate. She should be writhing in rage that she didn't succeed."
"Great! I have a biased friend who takes the side of the man who does not deserve my affection."
"You should have thought of that five years ago when I told you that you shouldn't cry for him and let him do what he wants with his life, but what did you do? You still went and got married."
"You should have kidnapped me and taken me far away so I wouldn't do such a stupid thing."
"You would have killed me for it. The fact is that Angel is already there. You are with him in France, the country of love! Okay, okay, don't look at me like that. I know you want to kill me, but in case you forgot, your husband is a hottie and any woman wants him, even if it's for one night. You are in France; do you know how many liberal women there are in that country?"
"And what are you trying to say? That I should forget everything he did to me? Forget that he decided to believe Elisa and not me, but now he decided to love me? He appears out of nowhere, and I should forgive him so he doesn't get charmed by a French woman. Amelia, I'm not going to forgive him just because of that. And if he ever does that, I will hang him on top of the Eiffel Tower."
Amelia laughed. "You are acting like a possessive wife, Sofia."
"No, I'm upset and stressed." We were interrupted by the sound of knocking. "Wait a minute, someone's knocking on the door."
I went to open the door and frowned at the person I saw.
"Hello, beautiful." He greeted me and entered my room as if it were his.
"I didn't invite you in."
"You wouldn't let me pass if I asked you. I came to help you prepare for the event. I don't know anything about this. I don't know who to call or who to ask, so I am at your disposal." He replied with a charming smile, but I just stared at him with a blank face.
"You should have thought about that before opening your mouth and causing me this mess and stress that I have on me."
"I totally support her in that," Amelia interjects on the computer, and Angel approaches it.
""Hello, Amelia."
"Hello, Angel. Hey, when did you have the brilliant idea of going to France for my friend? Can you please tell her that I had nothing to do with it? And most importantly, when did it occur to you to propose an event in a week?! Do you have any idea what an event entails? No! Of course, you have no idea because otherwise, you wouldn't have suggested it." Amelia ranted to Angel, who mockingly cleaned his ear.
"It just occurred to me now. Besides, the place is ready, the models are there, and we can do the rest."
"It's not something that easy, you idiot! You have to find a theme, make preparations, and the models have to rehearse! Besides, we don't have the clothes or anything here."
"Which reminds me that you have to give us your plane so we can carry all that without excuses. You said you were going to help us." Amelia interrupts.
"My plane is yours to use; it is at your mercy. As a matter of fact, I already ordered it to go back there."
"Angel, I'm going to support Sofia, and I'm going to kill you." Amelia threatened him, and he looked at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Let's see, why are you stressing out so much? The fact that this isn't the first time you're going to have a show is your advantage. You know what clothes sell the most, you know the tastes, you know how to do this, end of. The time of preparation is short, true, but everything will turn out well and you will have the chance to be known in France! Isaac can help distribute the information or something. He is the owner of a technology company, right?"
Amelia looked at me, and I looked at her. "Did I say something wrong?" Angel noticed our reaction and asked.
"No," I reply, "but Isaac is a busy man, and we can't bother him with fashionable nonsense."
"Sofia, if Isaac considers that what his girlfriend is doing is stupid, then he doesn't deserve Amelia."
"Good point," Amelia agreed, and I made signs that I'd kill her without him seeing me. "Angel, I want that plane here without excuse. Leave the products to me. Sofia, you go and do magic; you're an expert at that, and please don't kill yourselves, or at least not until I arrive; goodbye." "Do you want to help your friend kill me?" Angel asked Amelia.
"Or at least help her bury your body; that's what her friends are for. Of course, I'm telling you, if this event doesn't go as we hope, I'm going to kill you, Angel, and I don't care what Sofia says. Are we clear?" Amelia warned him for the last time before cutting the call. "Well, love, it has to be magic; tell me what we should do." He sounded so sweet, and it made me want to kiss him, but of course, I won't do that. "Why are you looking at me like that? Like you want to kiss me." He teased me, and I only glared at him.
"You wish; I was planning whether it would be better to throw you out the window or cut you into little pieces."
"Oh, what a dirty mind you have. I came here to see my beloved wife, who has made me suffer for almost a week, looking for her everywhere, and look how she threatens me."
"I think I don't have to remind you that I'm still angry with you.*
"You have every right to be upset, because I didn't know how to explain myself that night, but..."
"I don't want to listen to what you'll say, Angel. I told you I don't care, and I mean it. At this moment, my mind is occupied with other things and not you. Although now, because of you, look at the mess you got us into. How am I supposed to do an event in another country without prior preparation?"
"Love, we are in the country of love, and you are intelligent, the best I know. It is not the first time you have done this. If you'll just calm down and stop stressing, ideas will naturally come to you."
"Hm, let's see. An idea occurs to me just now: to become a widow in France." I threatened him, and he just chuckled.
"We can leave that idea for later. Why don't we go out? Take a walk around France, and I'm sure something will come to your mind."
"Walking?! That's your idea? Walking around France when you've just committed me to an event that should be ready in a week!" I almost screamed and hit him in annoyance.
I didn't get to do just that because I received a call from Mattias. "Hello, Mattias."
"Hello, beautiful lady. I'm calling to inform you that my boys are about to set up the advertising, but they are asking me about the theme of the event, and I wasn't sure if you already have an idea. I also requested the models, and I already have five confirmed and others waiting for a response, but most importantly, I need to know more or less how many we are going to need. Finally, regarding the place, I already called; if you want, we can visit it in a few hours. What can you say, darling?"
"Wow, that was pretty fast. Uhm, I'm still thinking about the theme of the event because, as you can understand, it was something unforeseen at the last minute. As for the models, I think we are going to need twenty, between ladies and gentlemen, and as for the place, just tell me where and what time we can visit." Angel approached me while I was on the phone and hugged me from behind, and I struggled.
"I'm going to send you the address. As soon as you have the theme, inform me so we can do the advertising and say hello to Angel for me."
"Of course. Thank you, Mattias, and he also sends his regards!" I hung up and managed to get away from him. "That's enough! Don't touch me; don't even come near me! You know what? Let's just go." "Where are we going?"
"You said we should go for a walk, so I could come up with some ideas, so move!"
It is better to be walking around France than to be in the same room as this man.
"You want to go out because it is better than being in the same room with me because I am a temptation, and I agree because, with the desire I have for you, I don't think I'll be able to hold back."
"Angel!" I stopped him, my ears turning red.
"What? We said we're going to be honest, right?"
"Do you want to help me at the event? Well, there's going to be rules. First, we are not going to talk about personal matters. Second, I don't want any comments regarding us. Third, you are only going to open your mouth to say something about the event. And lastly, don't come near me." "That last one is going to be difficult, but I'm going to try," he replied, followed by a cheeky grin, and I just rolled my eyes.
We went out on the street, and he grabbed my hand. "Let's go this way," he pulled me, and I tried to yank my hand, but he wouldn't let me. "Stop fighting and use your energy to concentrate on what we see and see if you can think of something."
"I hate you right now."
"That is common in our hate-and-love relationship, darling."
We walked until we reached the Pont des Arts, where couples used to hang padlocks. "Do you know how it originated?" he asked me, and I shook my head. "There are two theories: the first is that it was a copy from China, where they have the tradition of closing a padlock on a post or fence in the Huang Mountains and later throwing the key, and the other is the inspiration for a book called 'I want you'. It's a shame they took it away; we could have put a padlock on it and thrown the key into the sea, so our love would be eternal."
I gave him a blank look. "Well, now there are glass panels, so no more padlocks." I continued walking before he could blind me with his charms.
I looked at my phone, and he took it away. "Stop looking at the cell phone and enjoy the landscape, so you can appreciate it, and the ideas will come up."
"I'm trying to analyze everything. There are many things I have to do, so give me back my cell phone," I demanded, and instead of giving it to me, he put it in his pocket.
"No, I'll give it to you in a few hours when we go to see the place Mattias sent you."
"Angel, we've been walking for an hour. Romantic couples are there, and the bridge of padlocks is no longer there, but it doesn't help me with ideas. I feel like I'm just wasting my time."
"Sofia, it's because you're stressed."
"And whose fault is it?"
"Yes, it is, but you are so focused on wanting an idea that you forget to enjoy your surroundings, and thus, you can't think. You should relax your mind. I thought there was no one more stressed than me, but you beat me."
"It's already late; we better go see the place for the event, and I'll think of something."
We took a taxi and went to the place where Mattias met us.
"Ah, they arrived without getting lost!" Mattias teased us when we arrived.
"Yes, it's easy when the taxi driver knows where to go." Angel jumped on his humor, and they both laughed. I don't know how they can get along so well within hours of getting to know each other.
"Sofia, my beautiful lady, what do you think of the place?" Mattias asked while gesturing around him.
I looked around and nodded in satisfaction. "It's quite spacious and perfect for an event." It was a place located in the Eiffel Tower, the Gustave Eiffel. "To have this place, months of notice must be necessary."
Mattias grinned at me. "Let's just say that I have my contacts, so it doesn't have to take that long. Don't worry about the price; I'll take care of it." Angel and I looked at him. For us, money is no problem, but if he wants to take charge, I wouldn't mind. "Great! In a week, for God's sake."
"Breathe," Angel whispered to me. "You better go and enjoy the view."
I just glared hatefully at him. I'm in this predicament because of him. He left with Mattias, and I went to see the view. At least I can distract myself before I have a nervous breakdown.noveldrama
France is the country of love, while the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of love, and I am here with the man I love, wanting to hang him at the top of this tower and dying of stress.
I flinched a little when he hugged me from behind and tried to get away again, but he didn't let me. "Breathe and don't think. You're in France; everywhere you look, there are going to be ideas, but you're so stressed that you can't see anything."
"It's easy to say that when it's not you who is under this stress and pressure. Angel, this place is for three hundred people, if not more. How are we supposed to host that kind of event in a week?"
"Go look through the window, and I mean, just look.
People lined up to get in. Couples kiss, and they enjoy the love they have. The landscape and the company. They want to leave their problems behind and just enjoy life. Okay, if I were one of those people down there and you were in France, about to enter a fashion show, what would you like to see?
I raked my brain and sighed in the end. "I don't know, I just..."
"Think, and don't stress," he repeated, turning me around to face him. "Everything is going to be okay; you're an intelligent girl, Sofia." He kisses me softly, and I feel like I've come back to life, although I still want to kill him.
"Guys," Mattias interrupts us, "I know the view is beautiful and romantic, and at night it is even more so. Sofia, the place provides the lighting, sound, furniture, and everything we want; we just have to know what to ask for. Do you have the theme?"
"Mattias, we only decided to hold the event a few hours ago. Let's let my beloved think because when she gets stressed, her ideas don't flow well and we want this to be a success, right? Let's not pressure her; when she has the idea, she will tell us. We still have time anyway. We need to coordinate the models. I'll take care of the food and drinks, so don't worry," he assured me with a wink.
Sometimes, this moron can be considerate if he wants to.
"Let's go," he says after a few minutes.
"Where are we going?"
"Yes, we are going to continue the tour. Don't look at me like that; I want to walk around Paris with my wife, and since we are at the Eiffel Tower, we will admire it together."
"Are you telling me you've never been here before?"
"Not with you, and that makes it different."
I agreed to what he wanted because I was so stressed that I didn't want to argue. We admired the view and structure. Angel made fun of the people by making up stories about their lives, and I found myself smiling. We went into a store where he bought me an Eiffel Tower bracelet that said, 'Je t'aime, which means I love you. I secretly looked at him, still having a hard time believing him.
"I want to prove to you how sincere I am because I know that I have been a complete idiot for the past five years, and although I had my reasons, they were based on lies, and I was not fair to you. Furthermore, I have asked for your trust, and I ruined it by not giving it to you and doubting
"Don't say anything, and let's just enjoy France and see if you come up with ideas. For example, you could create something related to the Eiffel Tower."
"Too basic; everything here is about the tower. It must be something more striking than that."
"Something related to romance, perhaps? After all, it is a symbol of love."
"Not everyone is in love. That would be limiting the topic too much. It should be something more neutral."
"Mm, let's keep walking, and we'll see."
As we walked, I found myself looking at my bracelet. I want to believe him, but I'm not going to make it easy for him. He should know by now that I'm not the type to say 'yes' today and 'no' tomorrow.
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