Chapter 48: A Task For My Friend
Chapter 48: A Task For My Friend
The unpleasant days that followed made Einar into a rotten mess. His dishevelled hair and his puffy
eyes contrasted to the soothing atmosphere which he silently watched through the window of his room.
He was contempt with the fact that the only heart beating in the entire place was his own. He could see
no bodies moving around in the space of his vicinity and he was happy for that. He did not want any
company at this time; may be never!
The lush green land and the tall trees that bordered the open ground was a scene to withhold. Einar
kept his gaze static when he looked outside the open window. The chirping and murmurs had
surprisingly died following the days of his wrath. It seemed as if the birds had also deprived him
company like his fellow pack mates. It was already hard and heavy for him. The constant loneliness
was making him empty.
His heart wanted joy but his conscience wanted to suffer more.
He took two steps ahead when his desperate ears heard a sound of approaching footsteps. However
even before he could make it to the door he was halted abruptly. He grimaced in pain when his eyes
landed on the long chains which were affixed to the big metal hooks hinged at the wall all the way to his
wrists which were facing the agonising brunt.
The knock on the door alerted him at once as Einar was eager to see who the visitor was. Just as he
thought he could have some relief his face became sour as he witnessed his mate standing by the
door, waving his hand in acknowledgement. Einar uninterestingly gestured him to go away. The
stubborn Elemental huffed in derision and made his way inside. Callan stationed himself on a chair
which was parallel to the bed. He narrowed his eyes and kept his gaze stoic at the man in front.
Einar huffed in defeat and shook his head. With piercing pain in his hands and legs laden with the
heavy metal, he took measured steps towards the bed. He sat on the bed and without looking at Callan
he uttered “You wont leave me even when I am bind by silver.”
Callan smirked and shook his head “You have been in seclusion for quite some time now. I just came to
see you.” he squeezed his brows “Is it so bad?”
“Yes it is.” Einar stretched his legs on the bed and rested his back on the adjoining wall “The matter has
already escalated beyond my control. I have been stripped of my title and my pack is in a state of
vulnerability. There is a lot in my plate Ashton and you showing up every now and then is not helping. I
don't want you to burden me anymore.” Einar closed his eyes and leaned his head backwards to the
Callan sat where he was. Thinking; contemplating on what to say. The burning compassion in him was
corroding his heart for the former alpha. The strong urge to understand and share Einar’s feeling was
making his heart heavy.
It was the pity, the empathy he felt for the man.
Callan had experienced first hand what it was like to be secluded, what it meant to lose something for noveldrama
which you strive hard. Yet in his difficult of times he had his loved ones with him. They supported him,
guided him, brought him out of his misery. A privilege which was bereaved from the former alpha. Einar
was looked down upon by the entire pack. He wasn’t the hero anymore. Even his own parents were
keeping their distance, thinking that he deserved what was happening to him.
However Callan was one of the few people who knew it wasn’t entirely Einar’s fault. If he had had it his
way the entire chaos would have never occurred.
Callan softened his gaze as he whispered “I wont do anything. I promise.”
“You don't have to do anything to create trouble.”
A pinch of sadness and pain made its way to Callan’s features. He anticipated the resentful reply but
still it hurt. He could understand that Einar was bitter because he was in pain. However had it not been
this situation Einar would’ve still reacted the same way. Callan even knew for a fact that somehow
Einar was blaming him for his troubles.
It was no secret that Orcus was furious at the entire pack due to the stubborn nature of Einar. To make
matters worse Callan had not reached out to the wolf since the time he knew about the truth. In reality it
was both Einar and Callan who were at fault in their own proportions and the repercussions had to be
endured by the both of them.
Even if Einar denied it, the truth would never change that both their lives were tied for eternity.
Callan sighed and ran his hands through his hair in frustration “Why are we this way?”
“Us; you and me.” he stood from his place in anxiousness “Always fighting. Cant see each other eye to
eye sort of thing.” Callan in his own trance chose to sit on the bed near the muscular man. “Doesn’t it
bother you?”
The closeness of the Elemental was affecting Einar as his body had started reacting to him. However
he kept his face hard and looked intently at his mate “It does not. No one likes you in the pack Ashton. I
am no exception.”
Einar’s cold and bitter attitude was making it difficult for Callan to help him. He knew that the muscular
man was saying things only to provoke him; make him angry. His obstinate nature would not let him to
budge from his stand. However Callan realised that this was no time to ridicule him or make him
blameworthy. Rather the troubled state of Einar required a consoling shoulder or support of any kind.
Einar was in pain and he needed help.
Callan put aside his anger and sighed a deep breath to relax himself. He smiled “But you want to like
Einar’s expressions changed as he fumbled with his response “W-What!”
Callan in the very next instant realised what he spoke. He pursed his lip and mentally smacked himself
for his uttered words. He reorganised his thoughts and looked at Einar “I-I am a very likeable person.”
Callan blinked “Trust me.”
Callan’s contrivances was his way of approaching the man; to reach out to him. However unlike the
other times, Einar was finding it difficult to put up with Callan. The agonising days of the past had made
his mind heavy. His feeble brain muscles needed rest. “Just go away Ashton.”
Einar was hurting and Callan was distressed by looking at the sight of Einar. “I promised Rosaline to
keep you company and not let you feel alone.”
“Is this the only reason you are here?” Einar hopefully gazed at his mate
Callan was aware of the answer which Einar was expecting but this wasn’t the right time to be perfectly
honest “Was there something else for which I should be here?” he raised a brow
Einar parted his lips to speak but no concrete words came out from him “No..”
Both the men looked at each other for the longest of the times before Callan sighed in exasperation
and looked sideways. The handsome man knew that Einar was ready to walk towards him yet he
stayed away. His stubborn self was conflicting his mind in dubiousness while his strong and nonchalant
portrayal was making Callan more and more anxious as the days passed by.
It was frustrating.
Callan scowled and accusingly asked Einar “Why cant we be friends?”
“I don’t want to be friends with you.”
“Why not?”
“I don't owe you an explanation for that. I am your superior.”
“You are not the alpha anymore.” In the heat of the moment Callan failed to realise how his words could
cause the confidence and self worth of the alpha to crumble in pieces. Einar lowered his dejected eyes
and sighed while on the other side Callan bit his lips in embarrassment and shame. He apologetically
looked at Einar “I am really sorry. It just slipped.”
Einar huffed “Its the truth, isn't it? Why apologise.”
Einar’s eyes shifted to the side as his puffy eyes looked smaller. He stayed there as if he was a statue.
The only proof of his existing was the air he exhaled. Callan was horrified when he saw the condition of
his mate. His heart sank and he felt the loss of warmth from the former alpha. To his own surprise a fat
tear escaped through his eye and rolled down his cheeks. He swept the bead with the back of his
forefinger and looked at it with curiosity. He was astonished by the fact for how Einar’s pain was
affecting him.
Callan sighed and cleared his throat “It is my job to be near Rosaline always.” Einar growled in
annoyance however the handsome man continued without noticing the jealous growl and lowered his
voice “That means I will be close to you as well.” Einar’s eyes softened “It will be best in our interest if
we start afresh and build a new relationship.”
The proposal to be close to Callan was tempting but Einar knew better. The undue advancement had
already caused troubles from him in the past. He was sure that the handsome man was capable
enough to bring the other side of him to the fore which he had hidden for years successfully. The side
which dreamed of a life together with him.
Einar slowly shook his head when he deduced the reality of his thoughts. The handsome man was not
supposed to be his mate. Neither his pack nor the community would approve of their bond. Moreover
Callan was just a human who had limitations. He could be hurt and traumatised as his physiology was
feeble and his physical resilience had a limit to it. The human would only prove to be a burden for him.
Even after considering all the downside of it there was still a part of him who was apprehensive to let
him go..
Einar rubbished his thoughts as she shook his head vigorously and looked at the man with stern eyes “I
don’t want to be your friend Ashton.”
“But why?”
Because my perfidious heart wants to be more than your friend.
Einar took deep steady breaths. His heart beats were raised while his mouth went dry. His eyes
focused solely on the deep green, alluring eyes of his mate. He wanted to divert his gaze but was
failing miserably. His lips moved but was holding his thoughts to pour out.
What was Callan doing to him?
Einar hated the fact that he had no control over his feelings. His logic stated to be aware of the
situation and get rid off the man in front however his mind suggested him to embrace the man and
never let him go. He felt drawn in and wanted to pull back, restrain himself from anything that could
destroy him forever. He was trapped between his opposite needs.
Einar’s pensive mind was distracted when Callan asked all of a sudden “You haven’t answered my
The former alpha looked at the man with compassion and adoration. Maybe this was the time to let go
of all the restrains, of all the tortures and accept his true fate. Let him welcome his destined being with
open arms and think about the consequences as they come. Maybe it was finally time to hold Callan
tightly in his arms. Love him for all the eternity and declare to the entire world that he belonged to no
one else but him.
Einar was transformed in a trance of his own where his rationale mind was devoured of any logical
thinking. His hidden feelings had taken over his brain. He slowly raised his body to level his mate and
pushed himself towards him. Callan was surprised by the sudden gesture because Einar looked happy
and certain. The determination in his eyes was making Callan giddy in a good way.
Einar was slowly leaning forward as his shackles were binding him but his mind was becoming free.
His determined self wanted to be accountable for every deed he did hereafter. His eyes lowered to the
beautiful lips of the man and then to his mesmerizing eyes. Without thinking for the consequences he
closed a considerable gap between them.
Callan was all he could think of. Callan was all he needed.
The two bodies lied close to each other. Their faces mapped in sequence as both of them could see
the other and no one else. The distance was thinning with the passing of time as Callan slowly closed
his eyes to accept what was coming his way in utter delight. Their close faces entangled their breaths
while their nerves were rushing the blood heavily to their hearts. Both of them could no longer control
the accelerated rate of their heart beat.
It was finally the time to accept the bond and coalesce the souls as one.
Just as Einar was about to feel his mates lips on his, he retracted himself abruptly. The sudden
approaching footsteps from the door caught him unaware and he for once realised what he was doing.
Callan opened his eyes as he felt the movement outside and was alert at once. He noticed the uncanny
behaviour of Einar and was surprised. The muscular man on the other side was anxious and looked
every where around but the man in front.
The knocking on the door caught Callan’s attention and he looked back. He was greeted by an angry
face Garrick who kept oscillating his gaze between the human and his best friend.
Callan at once understood that his moment of bliss was interrupted by none other than the beta of the
pack. He sighed in frustration but smiled artificially at him “Hello Garrick.” The beta gave a nod and
folded his hands to his chest. It was a clear indication that the man wanted to talk with his friend while
the human was uninvited.
Callan looked at his mate for one last time and said “I think I should leave you both. It was nice meeting
you.” With a hesitant bow of acknowledgement the handsome left the room.
Garrick was always curious about Callan’s visit to Einar’s room. The handsome man showed up almost
every day in what could be termed as a friendly gesture of compassion. However Garrick was slowly
getting suspicious about Callan’s real motives. Since he lacked a wolf spirit in him there was no chance
to read his mind. Ultimately trusting him was out of question. However Garrick’s main concern was that
his best friend was unable to get past through Callan’s devious mind. It felt like he was intentionally
falling in the trap.
Garrick raised a brow What was he doing here?
Einar pursed his lips and looked to his side Killing me slowly.
I’m confused
Don’t be. Einar sighed. He was hesitant to keep the talk going and so he chose to change the topic and
divert Garrick How is your throat?
The beta instinctively caressed his throat in a slow fashion It is recuperating. I have tried to voice a few
syllable and hopefully my throat will be healed tonight .
Einar was unable to express his feelings. His friend was through a lot of pain for the whole week or two
and it was all because of the fateful day. Though Garrick was a strong wolf the impact of Einar’s attack
was powerful enough to force him to mutism. Looking at Garrick’s state of being uncommunicative hurt
Einar for he felt he had betrayed his friend in a way. However tonight he would get his strength back
and he would be healed by the moon.
Just as he thought about the moon, Einar’s eyes widened in shock. Panic struck his face as he realised
something which was making him uneasy What day is it?
It’s the full moon day. Garrick replied nonchalantly. His expressions changed into curiosity and
dubiousness when he noticed the worried face of his friend Why are you afraid? Have you taken your
Einar shook his head and face palmed I am not worried about that.
Einar paused before raising his head and looking at his friend in fear The demon.
What about him?
He will take over me tonight.
You mean he would try to escape this heavily guarded cage.
Einar nodded reluctantly I am sure of it.
Your body is engulfed with heavy silver while their are guards outside to stop you. Garrick huffed as a
smug look plastered his face I don’t think the demon has any chance tonight.
You are talking like an idiot Garrick. Einar shouted in anger Do you really underestimate the spirit in
Garrick mouthed an ‘o’ when reality hit him. The demon was an out of the world being. The only thing
that kept him under control up till now was the locket, which was failing miserably to do its job when the
moon was in its full glory. You mean to say you would vanish like every full moon and we would find
you unconscious, lying somewhere.
Einar shrugged. Of the few things he was fearful, he had certainly come to hate the full moons. It
wasn’t the mere fact that the demon was taking control of his body, he was apprehensive of what
preceded before the spirit showed up. The nightmares which followed the days when he was still
unconscious added to his woes. Up until now Einar was sure that the spirit had something to do with
messing up with his mind and there was only so much he could do. The constant bad dreams had kept
him awake for nights. In his initial days Einar was even scared to go to sleep for he knew his mind
would be plundered and some horrified imagery would run deep into his subconscious.
Einar was confused for why the demon was doing what he was doing. However the more concerning
problem was his absence during the full moon. Nobody knew where the spirit roamed in the darkness
of the night. It was puzzling, it was worrisome.
I want you to do something Garrick.
The beta scowled and looked at his friend in confusion and eagerness What?
Einar slowly stood up from his place and went closer to the open window. He looked at the big orange
globe whose light was fading with the passing time. Soon it would disappear from the heavenly sky
while another body would replace its position. Just thinking about the inevitable made his heart race a
bit faster. He gulped and sighed When the moon ascends tonight, keep the gates open.
I can’t do that. Garrick looked completely taken aback by the request I have been ordered to..
Listen to me please! Einar interjected and looked helplessly at his friend if you deny the spirit his
escape than he would kill anyone who dares stop him! He marched his steps towards Garrick and kept
one of his hands on his shoulders I want you to let him be free.
Garrick was skeptical once again, more importantly he was unable to understand what was going on in
Einar’s mind. What purpose would it serve?
Einar sighed and crossed his hands across his chest. The demon shows itself every full moon. Are you
not curious for where it wanders?
Do you think he follows Callan?
Einar paused for a long time before looking at Garrick who was waiting in anticipation I have my
Garrick’s heart hit his chest hard as if it would tear open the skin anytime soon. He pressed his fingers
to his forearm and looked at Einar in horror and disbelief. It was the nervous veins in him which were
making it difficult for him to think. This is making me sweat. You were absent for the past two full
moons. What if the demon has already met Callan and revealed everything!
I don’t think that has happened.
Are you sure?
Positive. Einar nodded with confidence Callan has been waiting for his mate for a very long time. If and
when he knows about me being his mate he would create a mighty ruckus. Probably take the matter to
his father and my father.
And if that happens it wont be hard to prove that indeed you are Ashton’s mate. We are doomed!
Garrick huffed in exasperation. In all of their time in the past two months it had astonished them for how
the demon was overturning the power of the locket. But the concerning aspect of the escape still
remained about the spirits whereabouts. Einar and Garrick had never thought about the spirits motive
to run away.
Einar was sure that the spirit had been mum about him being the fateful mate of the handsome man.
Had it been otherwise Callan would have taken the entire pack in a storm about them being mates.
Einar knew that like everyone else in the pack Callan was fearful of the demon hence he would think
twice before holding any communication with him. Moreover the spirit was the sorted one between the
wolf and him, hence he would do no such thing so as to scare Callan or hurt him in any which way.
Not yet. The spirit hasn’t had a conversation with Callan for sure but still we need to know his purpose
to overpower me.
What do you suggest?
Though the demon had been quiet about the entire scenario Einar was doubtful for how long the
demon could hold himself. In his mind he was of the opinion that the spirit was definitely following
Callan. The urge to be with the handsome man would overpower him sooner or later and before any of
it happens Einar had to find a way to restrain him.
Without anyone knowing, follow the spirit. Let me know where he goes..
What if he meets Ashton?
Einar took a deep breath. He made his way back to the open window and grimaced slightly looking at
his chains. I just hope it doesn’t come to that..
He closed his eyes firmly while his jaw muscles were stretched. He took his time to open his eyes as
he breathed in the pure air which brought in a new zeal within him Because I don’t want to use my last
He narrowed his gaze looking nowhere in particular. Garrick could see the look of determination, like
something devious was going on inside the head of the former alpha. Einar slowly turned his head
towards the beta and spoke through his gritted teeth “But if the spirit leaves me no choice then he will
have to suffer the consequences. He will not enjoy what I will do to him!”
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