Chapter 5
Seven months later
Late August
I’m annoyed at how little people think of me at the moment.
“Mr. Thorns, this property states that it’s for sale,” I remind him, standing before him. I know what he sees as he gazes at me: a barely legal omega who is fucking with things he doesn’t believe she could possibly understand.
I’m trying to keep my cool. Thankfully, my scent is still the same sweet sugar cookie smell that it always is, and isn’t currently betraying me. I don’t want the asshole to know how much he’s pissing me off, nor how much I want to stab him.
I promised my dad I wouldn’t use my weapons today unless someone was actively attacking me.
“It is, just not to you,” he says, shrugging. This is the third time today that I’ve been denied to see a property, so I can purchase it.
The Omega’s Haven fundraiser at Club Serenity a month ago was a wild success, and I have enough money to be able to buy a permanent property, to begin getting our services set up in cash.
This is an important step in being able to get staff and services for the outreach and shelter. Unfortunately, no one wants to allow me to move forward, even when I don’t disclose what it’s for.
“Why shouldn’t omegas own businesses?” I ask, changing tactics. “There are many who do, but the first step is to find a building to house such a business. Is it my age, gender, or designation that’s the issue?”
“All of them!” he roars, standing as he slams his palms on the table. I’m grateful I can’t scent his anger right now, so I simply gaze dispassionately at him.
My father is scarier than he is.
“Are you done throwing a tantrum now? It’s disgraceful that an alpha who is in real estate is behaving like this,” I hiss.
My heart is pounding, and the only thing keeping my hands from shaking is sheer discipline. Mr. Thorns is a large alpha in a sharp suit, shiny shoes, and an ego the size of the Mississippi River.
I know he won’t hurt me, but everything inside of me is begging me to placate him, play the good little omega and I refuse.
My instincts tell me to show my soft underbelly to the angry alpha, and I just want to tell him to go fuck himself.
I’m doing nothing wrong except bucking against a society who is forgetting about the less fortunate or those in need. Everyone deserves a hand up, or better yet, safety in the face of a harsh situation.
“You’re trash who doesn’t have any idea what she’s doing,” the alpha growls as I sigh.
“I’m sorry you feel like that,” I tell him, shaking my head. “I plan to make a list of people I’ll never work with because they refused to give me the time of day. When Cian Sullivan or his men choose to come visit you, I hope you remember me.”
Whirling away, I hold my head high as he sputters and screams out obscene things about how I’m over my head and should be packed up to avoid being a troublemaker. Yes, because being fucked regularly would make me any less anxious to see this through.
I hope someone fucks him over with a rusty pole. Blowing out a breath as I leave his office, I pull out my phone to call the other listings. Maybe if they don’t physically see me, I won’t have so many issues.
I’m in Minneapolis, a literal mecca of real estate that’s open and for sale. It’s utterly insane that I’m in this position at all. I told my father what I was doing today, but refused the guard.
Maybe I should have thought twice about that. I feel completely useless…
No. Shaking my head, I tell myself that negative thoughts have no place in my head. If I can’t help myself, then I can’t help anyone else, now can I? Calling the next real estate agent that’s selling a building that would work for my organization, I begin to walk toward a coffee shop up ahead.
Maybe I need a little caffeine and a familiar scent to get me going again.
My business partner, Wren, doesn’t leave her home much, and for good reason. Her pack is protective, which is fine because she’s had enough of a rough past for all of us to want to wrap her up in bubble wrap.
I can do the leg work. At least, that’s what I promised her when I told her I’d handle it.
The moment I saw her at the Kelly’s estate, I felt drawn to her. I knew we needed to be friends, and we hang out all of the time now. Her pack also aren’t terrible for being enforcers and a bit homicidal.
If she knew I was practically going door-to-door for this, she’d be furious with me. Minneapolis has its problems with crime and omega trafficking, which is why I’m always armed with weapons.
While I’m wearing professional attire, my bun appears messy with all of this wind. The reflection in the window of the coffee shop shows just how much of a mess it is as the wind whips down the street.
Thank God I chose to wear pants with a cute blouse today instead of the dress I thought about. As the phone connects to a secretary, I push the door open, immediately getting hit with a delicious dose of scents.
Hazelnuts. Caramel. Coffee. God, the smells of heaven live here, and it’s exactly the injection of energy that I need.
“Merged Realty, how can I help you?” the secretary sweetly asks.
Taking a deep breath, I hope for the best. “Hi, my name is Aisling Sullivan, and I wanted to inquire about the listing you had on Easton road. Is it still for sale?”
“I’m sorry,” the secretary says coldly, the switch in her tone almost making me stumble in surprise. “I’m afraid all of our listings are off the market. Have a great day.”
“What the fuck,” I whisper to dead air. This can’t be happening right now.
Grabbing a caramel apple bar and a caffeine infused beverage, I set up camp in a corner of the coffee shop and call every single realtor listed on the properties I’ve seen. I’m dejected by the end, because no one will work for me.
At least I didn’t show up and get the same treatment I received from Mr. Thorns. Maybe he called and warned everyone? Am I being blackballed right now?
I allow myself a single tear before I dash it away and decide it’s time to go home. Maybe I need to talk to my father and swallow my pride. Nothing has changed around me since I was a kid, just trying to eke out a living on the streets.
People still look down on me for being young, assuming I’m idealistic and stupid.
Ugh, I hate having to go home with my tail between my legs. Dad will pull out the entire story from me, and then I’ll be responsible for a killing spree of Minneapolis’ real estate tycoons. I wonder if I can add that to my resume?
It’s getting later in the day as I begin walking to my car, which is in a garage several blocks away. I’ve definitely gotten in my steps today. A man with ice blond hair walks out of an office looking satisfied and proud.
I wish I could feel that accomplished today, and I have to admit I’m super fucking jealous right now.
As the man turns fully into the sun, I recognize him as Wren’s brother. Smiling, I can’t help but call out his name, walking faster in his direction.
“Jasper?” I call out, hoping I’m not mixing him up with someone else. Pulling out a pin that’s holding the monstrosity I call my hair, I let it fall loose, deciding it makes me look less like the frazzled mess I currently feel like.
Fake it till you make it.
It’s a mantra that I live by, and the only reason I’m standing here now.
“What are you doing here?” Jasper asks, surprised to see me alone. It’s true, most of the omegas in the mafia families would have a full security detail, but I hate the attention. “Are you okay?”
Pushing the hair out of my face, I try to decide how truthful I’m going to be.
“I’m hunting for a property for The Omega’s Haven,” I explain. “It’s been a bitch to find anything, and no one wants to deal with me. Think if I had a dick it would be easier?”
Jasper smirks, rolling his eyes. “What would you do? Whip it out and yell, ‘I have a dick and I’m not afraid to use it,’” he yells.
Doubling over, I snort with laughter, realizing how much I needed that. I’m also laughing a little harder than necessary, because I feel on the edge of tears and hysteria now that I’m in front of someone I know. Granted, I don’t know him very well, but a friendly face is better than the people I’ve been dealing with all day.
“Does Wren know you’re looking at properties?” he asks me. “I know the fundraiser did really well.”
“It did! I told her I was going into the city, and even found a realtor, but he blew me off today,” I sigh. I hold back the fact that it wasn’t just one, but fourteen different realtors. “I didn’t ask Shaw for help because I figured it shouldn’t be this fucking hard.”
Jasper’s eyes grow wide as he stares at me as if I’m a walking time bomb. I blink rapidly because I don’t want to cry. It’ll be utterly embarrassing, and one more thing for me to lament over in my nest with ice cream.
“Okay, deep breath. It’s okay to ask for help and need it,” he tells me. “Shaw hooked me up with a realtor who helped me find a property in record time. Also, have you spoken to Gabriel yet? He mentioned he may have a place in mind.”
I nod, explaining that we started talking about things but got sidetracked. “We were so excited to talk about him opening a mixed martial arts studio in Minneapolis that would also offer pro bono classes, that we didn’t talk about anything else,” I admit, blushing.
“Eh, it happens,” he teases me. “Let me introduce you to my real estate agent. I’ll go with you, because some of these properties are in pretty sketchy places.”
“I can protect myself,” I complain as I follow, discreetly showing him the knife in my bag across my chest.
Jasper shakes his head, muttering about the friends his sister keeps as he escorts me back inside the building he just left.
“Mmhmm, I have no doubt that you can. I want to see where you decide the future home of The Omega’s Haven will be,” he says.
I have a feeling this is his version of putting his foot down, but I don’t want to fight it. He’s right, I need help, and I’ll happily put my ego aside for this. It’s more that I’m frustrated with the world and the assholes who run it.
“What were Gabriel’s thoughts on a location?” I ask, really wanting to know. He has great instincts, and is best friends with Cerenity’s business partner. I also recently found out that they’re more than just business partners, and I expect to find her packed up soon.
She was kidnapped not too long ago, which is one of the reasons everyone is so worried about my safety. Cere owns Club Cerenity, is a huge advocate of omega rights, and has been Wren and my cheerleader since we originally came to her with the idea of a fundraiser as a fight night.
Wren mentioned her brother was moving permanently to Minneapolis in an effort to formally court Cere and be closer to her. I need a night to gossip with her and find out all the details.
Some of the men courting her are mafia made men, and if I’ve learned anything about them recently, it’s that they don’t like to bend.
I hope she gives them hell.
“He mentioned a warehouse that could be converted into both an office space for outreach work and a shelter. He said he saw a few that may work that were also on the bus routes,” Jasper explains.
“Holy shit, that would be amazing,” I breathe, brightening. This would give us space to do workshops, help people who need a place to stay, find work, or organize legal support. God, can you imagine if we could also do group therapy there or arrange space in the shelter for omegas going through heat?
“I can’t stop thinking about all the possibilities, Jasper.”
“I know it will be everything you and Wren have ever dreamed of. Now, tell me how you’ve been looking for properties?” he insists.
Sighing, I nod, getting down to brass tacks as we approach the realtor’s office. “The ‘for sale’ sites, but those aren’t very—”
“Up to date,” an alpha says, almost walking into us. “Back so soon, Mr. Rivers?”
“I am, do you have some time today to take on another client?” he asks. “This is Aisling Sullivan, Bailey. She and my sister are founding a foundation named The Omega’s Haven. They need a home for it.”
“That’s you?” Bailey asks, surprised. “I heard there was a huge charity event for it and you raised a ton of money, but didn’t hear anything more about it.”
“Turns out there’s a lot of behind the scenes work for something Iike this, and not much of it is glamorous,” I joke. “As you said, the sites aren’t updated, but the bigger factor is my age. No one wants to take me seriously. I haven’t had any luck today.”
“I don’t really care about your age,” Bailey says, waving me off. “You can legally purchase property at eighteen years of age. You seem to be at least that?”
“I am,” I say with a nod. “I’m trying to stay positive, but the last three people I spoke to on the phone met with me and told me I was wasting their time.”
“Assholes,” Bailey says, and I smile, having a feeling I’ll finally be able to find a home for my passion project. “Do you have any idea what you want?”
Sucked into her orbit, I tell her about Gabriel’s idea, because now that I know about it, it’s the only thing I want. Today may have started out like shit, but by the end of the day, I’ll actually have a home for the Omega’s Haven.
“I can’t believe they didn’t want to take you seriously,” Flynn says, curled up next to Wren and I on the deep set couch.
I’ve been worried about him lately. He and Wren were kidnapped the night of the meeting, and they went through some traumatic events together. It ended with Wren’s abuser dead, but Flynn’s anxiety has been off the charts.
He’s baking so much that he’s either giving away pastries or selling them to the mafia families for events. He hasn’t wanted to hang out with Wren and I when I’m over, either.
A part of me thinks that he knows I can see him. Wren’s worried too, but he blew up at her the last time she asked.
Fuck, I wish we had decent therapists for omegas. If Flynn were ever open to speak to someone, the last thing I’d want is for some asshole to tell him he should have bent over and taken it like a good omega.
It would break him, and I’d end up in jail for murder.
“Every person I spoke to shut down the moment I gave my name,” I explain. “In fact, the more I think about it, the more I wonder if there are people who don’t want us to open The Omega’s Haven. Or, Mr. Thorns spread the word that no one should talk to me when I left his office.”noveldrama
“You left an impression,” Wren murmurs, taking a bite of a sugar cookie that Flynn made. They’re buttery, light, and don’t appear to have been made in a manic state.
In fact, Flynn looks a little better. I know he may just be making an effort today, because trauma like that doesn’t just disappear, but I’ll enjoy it for now. Wren and I are working up to staging an intervention, but without the proper care afterward, I’m setting him up for failure.
I really need to hire a therapist worth her or his salt, and I’ve already begun putting out feelers for it. I’m going through resumes this week, now that we have paperwork going through for our building.
Suck on that, jerks.
“Maybe,” I grumble, reaching out for another cookie. Sugar therapy is pretty powerful in my opinion, especially after yesterday’s fiasco. “Mr. Thorns basically told me what other alphas have said to me, including three therapists that I’ve quit. Omegas are better suited in a pack servicing their alphas on their knees. If they’re being fucked out of their minds, then they can’t cause trouble.”
“Who said this exactly?” Everest asks, walking into the living room. Shit, I didn’t think he’d be done working outside yet. I’m not afraid of him, but the smile on his lips tell me that he’s holding back a lot of anger right now.
While he may be the jokester of the group, he’s also the most unhinged, I hear.
“People?” I say, swallowing hard.
Frowning, he jumps down into the sunken living room space. His hair is wet and it looks like he just finished showering as he shakes it at us, so we’ll be soaked too. Screaming, we hold pillows up against him, but still manage to get wet.
“Not fair!” I yell. “Ugh, Everest.”
“Will you go away if she tells you?” Wren asks, giggling.
His predatory gaze turns to her, and I know he’s going to pounce a second before he does. Flynn reaches out and pulls me toward him to save me from Everest’s crushing weight, and I chuckle as I wrap my arms around his waist.
He’s a great cuddler, which is all it’ll ever be.
Wren and Flynn are my absolute best friends. I can feel when there’s something wrong, and I blew up Shaw’s phone the moment I knew they were safe. I didn’t want to get in the way of a rescue mission, no matter how much I wanted to know what was going on.
Everest tickles Wren and then kisses her stupid, making me smirk. They had a rough beginning, but they take such good care of her. I think Flynn is finding a softer side too that he didn’t often see. They all needed Wren.
“No sex in front of Aisling,” Flynn calls out, chuckling.
“While I enjoy porn here and there, I don’t like it quite so real,” I tease them, squashing the small bit of stabbing jealousy that hits me.
Dr. Fields wants to stop medicating me through my heats soon and I’m fucking terrified.
“What’s wrong?” Flynn mutters, his brow furrowing.
“Nothing,” I whisper, blinking hard. I want to enjoy my day, not lose my shit over how my biology is fucking me over without lube.
Everest grins down at Wren as he stands, appearing very proud of himself. “I can’t leave either of my omegas alone for long, that’s crazy talk, baby. Shaw needs my help with something, so I’ll give you a small respite. I’ll pick up dinner on the way home. Ais, you’re staying for sushi, right?”
Ugh, why did he have to choose one of my favorite foods? I had it for the first time last month, and now I’m addicted.
“I wasn’t planning to—” I begin to say, and Everest turns, brow raised. “I’d love to, thank you.”
“Good,” he says with a nod, bounding out barefoot from the room.
“He has so much energy,” I chuckle.
“Mmhmm,” Wren says, her eyes moving to look at me. “What’s going on with you, girl? Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
“It’s weird,” I mutter. “I don’t even know how to explain it.”
Sitting up, Flynn frowns at me. I hate putting that look on his face and move, so I can see both of them.
“Are they gone yet?” I ask, blushing. “I don’t think I can have this conversation if they’re here.”
Wren stands lithely, padding silently out of the room to see if the alphas are gone yet. Ambrose took his own car out hours ago and isn’t home yet, which means he could either be gone for hours or return at any moment.
“Is someone harassing you?” Flynn growls. “The guys would end him if they are. Is it your dad?”
“Dad? No, I swear that man is a saint for all the gray hairs I’ve been giving him since I moved in,” I say with a small smile. “He doesn’t love all of my decisions, but he stands by them with me.”
“Good,” Flynn says, relaxing. “That’s how it should be. Who else is fucking with you?”
Wren comes back in, her hazel eyes bouncing between us. “They just left, and Amb won’t be back for a while either. What did I miss?”
“No one is fucking with me,” I mutter. “Well, one of my dad’s guards is an asshole, but Dad beat the shit out of him for it.”
“Really?” Wren asks, climbing back onto the couch. “Okay from the beginning, Ais. Maybe we can help figure out whatever it is.”
Blowing out a breath, I pull a blanket over me. It’s weighted, hand crocheted, and a pretty shade of blue. This room is an omega’s heaven with how comfortable it is.
“I had my first heat the morning after my eighteenth birthday,” I tell them, swallowing hard. “I knew it was possible, so I went to the sex store to buy supplies. I didn’t want to get caught without something to help.”
“Smart,” Flynn says approvingly. “What went wrong? I’m assuming something did?”
“I found out my dad had been looking for me on my eighteenth birthday. One of his men was following me, and I ran from him. I had no idea what his agenda was, all I knew was that an alpha chasing me was bound to mean trouble,” I explain.
“I dropped my bags when he shoved me against the wall to get me to stop running, so I drew my knife on the dickhead,” I say. Wren smirks with a nod, and I continue. “Unfortunately, my sex toys also fell all over the pavement, and Hayes had some thoughts about that. I think he may have called me a whore.”
“Fucker,” Flynn snarls. “Can we let Everest have him? Please?”
“Dad says he needs Hayes alive for some reason,” I say, shrugging. I try not to think about how I would feel if he was dead. He means nothing to me. “Anyway, I agreed to meet my dad, and Hayes was asked to put my things up in my room. Except, he stole my sex toys, thinking it would be funny, and left a stupid note and a knife. When my heat hit, I dragged a few things into my closet.”
“Aisling,” Wren whispers, eyes growing wide.
Blinking away tears, I can’t keep them inside as they slowly spill onto my eyelashes. “The pain was awful, and the agony I felt knowing I was alone made it worse. Dad had to go on a trip, my grandparents were out of town, and the staff also left. I don’t know that it would have mattered though, because the closet is soundproof,” I rasp. “I screamed and held onto the knife, and even considered using it, but I blacked out first. Now, I’m terrified to go through another heat.”
“But that was how long ago?” Flynn asks, reaching out to hold my hand. He’s not huge on touch with most people. I’m an exception along with his pack.
“November,” I reply with a wince. “I’m medicated under a doctor during it. Lately, Wren and I have overlapping heats, so no one notices when I drop off the face of the earth for four days.”
“We’re terrible friends,” Wren mutters. “Who is medicating you? What does that mean?”
“Dr. Fields,” I tell her, sniffling. “Dad has him on standby the second I start nesting. Heats aren’t an exact science, and mine is a little unpredictable.”
“Mine is the same way as far as being unpredictable,” Flynn says, squeezing my hand.
“It can’t be good for you to be knocked out once a month. And whatever happened to the alpha dick?” Wren asks and I nod, not looking forward to the next part of this conversation.
“Dad found out what Hayes did, and he wouldn’t stop making stupid backhanded comments in Dad’s presence,” I say. “He was asked to call the doctor, and he was in fact, a dick. Dad excused himself and beat the shit out of Hayes.”
“Go Cian,” Flynn whispers. “Holy shit. Your dad is amazing.”
“He loves me,” I agree. “Now, the doctor is saying that I can’t go on indefinitely having medicated heats without repercussions.”
“I was on suppressants, but those aren’t a great idea either,” Wren says. “Please don’t choose to go that way. I know that omegas will date solely to get through their heats. There’s no strings attached. Is that an option?”
“How would I even go about that route?” I ask. “I don’t date, and am I just going to start hitting bars to hook up with alphas? Give me your knot and fuck me for four days, please?”
Wren snorts, covering it badly, and then the three of us are giggling wildly.
“Okay, maybe not quite like that,” Wren wheezes. “Aren’t we in the process of vetting Hollis? She runs the dating site Flynn met the guys on.”
“She runs a tight ship,” Flynn says with a nod. “What if we use you as our guinea omega to see if it’ll work for our organization? You don’t have to sleep with them if you’re not comfortable with it, but it’s an option.”
“An option for what?” I ask, sighing. “I can’t scent alphas, because I use an alpha blocking gel right under my nose. I started as a bartender, and now it’s like a security blanket. Besides, the last time we spoke, she was working on setting up a system for us.”
“Is that why the different scents in the house don’t bug you?” Wren asks, surprised. “Most omegas would have an issue usually.”
“I’m not normal,” I snort. “I can smell other omegas, but that’s it. Betas don’t typically have a scent strong enough to bother me. I don’t know that I’ll ever meet my scent match, and it feels like too much of a gamble to stop using it.”
“You can’t use it forever,” Flynn says. “Ais, you’re going to need knots during your heat, and the scent of an alpha you click with will help during it. It doesn’t have to be a scent match, but someone to help you ride it out will be better than being checked out of the world.”
My body shudders as I let those words wash over me. I really don’t like being out of choices, and I feel as if that’s what’s happening. Pulling out my phone, I swipe away my tears and take a sip of water.
“May as well get this over with,” I mutter.
“Aisling,” Wren says, but I shake my head angrily.
“I fucking hate this. If I have to pretend I’m doing this as research for the Haven, then fine. I don’t even know if I want a pack right now, but because my body self-destructs once a month, I have to at least try,” I tell her.
“My Dad is terrified every time he watches me close my eyes when the medication takes effect, but all I can remember is the pain I went through. I can’t get over it.”
“Hayes is a dead man,” Flynn snarls. “Maybe I can get a cake delivered to him that’s baked with laxatives.”
“As long as he hates his life and comes out the other side, go for it,” I say, dialing Hollis. We’ve had preliminary conversations, but I was waiting for a building to call home before beginning to bring other omegas into this.
It makes sense that I give this a trial run as the only unpacked foundation member, though.
“Hello, Aisling,” Hollis says smoothly, making me smile.
“Hi, I don’t know if your ears were burning, but Flynn, Wren and I have been talking about your dating service,” I greet her. “We’d like to move forward with our collaboration, but we have a question first.”
“Okay, shoot. I’m all ears. I was starting to feel itchy, now that you mention it,” she teases, helping me to relax as I smile.
“We’d like to see a simulation of your services to learn how each step works,” I explain. “Flynn went through it, but it’s been years since he has.”
“That makes sense. Are you volunteering as tribute?” she asks.
“I am,” I say, despite the butterflies in my stomach. Flynn doesn’t let go of my hand, and Wren leans into my side as support. “I want to go through the full process so we can make sure it’ll work for our omegas at the Haven. We bought a building, and we’ll be beginning to set things up so we can get everything up and running as soon as possible.”
“Any reason for the newfound enthusiasm?” Hollis asks, and I chew my lip.
“I wouldn’t necessarily call it enthusiasm,” I tell her. “I’m having an issue regulating my heats alone, and I’m hoping this can help.”
There. I can be an adult about this. Look at me talking about dicks, knots, and cum like it’s some newfound medication.
My cheeks are flaming, but only my friends are here to see it.
“That makes sense, and one of the reasons that omegas search out my services,” Hollis says gently. I know it’s why Flynn decided to date, and his parents wanted him to do it safely.
He was lucky enough to find his scent matches on his first date. I doubt I’ll be able to do the same. I’d have to be willing to stop using my scent blockers first.
“I’ll email you the beginning paperwork and get things underway,” Hollis continues. “Be as truthful as possible. This will be fun! Just watch.”
I swallow back an undignified grunt, and murmur, “I’m looking forward to it,” instead before saying goodbye.
Lips twisting, I gaze down at my phone, wondering if I’ll have the ovaries to go through with this.
“You can do this,” Wren says softly. “Compared to everything else you’ve gone through, a couple of dates will be a walk in the park.”
“Maybe,” I mutter. “Who wants to help me fill out this paperwork?”
My laptop is sitting on the coffee table because we also got a little work done before hanging out, and it dings that I have an email.
“I’m going to get some wine,” Flynn says, standing. “I have a feeling we’re going to need it.“
“I think you’re an angel,” I tell him, reaching for the laptop. “Here goes nothing.”
This is either going to be the best thing to ever happen to me, or the worst.
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