A Gamma's Revenge (Zalia)

A Ga 18

Chapter 18 Growling Princess Asha

Sila and I are looking at the countdown on her tablet and we smile the moment every device gets activated, now all we have to do is wait to see who dies frst. When Sila and I thought of this idea for the challenge we knew it would be hard, because Pups don't get trained

in using weapons anymore.

Trying to shoot a moving target is difficult, especially if that target is shooting back at you and we had a lot of laughs as we went through every possible scenario. Our tech-department made sure it couldn't be worn to bed and it is even very sensitive to clothes covering up, it has to stay a challenge after all.

The surface is a bit bigger than it's ancient predecessor for laser games, we decided to go with light instead of sound and we did that to prevent an entire Pack to go hunting after the other leaderships. If someone was smart enough to attack during the night, I can think of at least one person who might come up with that idea.

"Okay, they are all activated. Let the competition begin Sila says and I know that everyone is curious if they can figure out the extra challenge we gave them, Eryx seems convinced that no one will be able to figure it out. We have given them two weeks for this competition and every morning and every evening at -nine Deimos will check the locations.

We want to know if anyone has figured out where to find their reward and by giving each of them a different hint and location we will know which Packs have found their reward. In the rules Sila gave each Pack it states that the extra challenge can still be completed even if they get taken out of the competition.

Let's just hope that some of them are smart enough to read all the rules and not just to rely on what Sila told them, because that would mean that not everyone will go after the extra challenge. It is a test of its own and will determine if a leadership will give up at the first signs of trouble or will stop if a challenge seems too big.

I mean trying to get into the Palace and to find a hidden reward, it would probably stop quiet a few people from going after it. We also chose eight different places to hide the rewards and gave them a cryptic hint on where to find it, using references from the past of Royal family members.

Sila had a lot of fun with Queen Axelle to find the right references to put in the hints and I learned a lot about Ammon's family members that once lived in this Palace. Some stories never left the Palace walls and those were not used for the extra challenge, but stories that were known throughout the Kingdom were the ones we did use.noveldrama

Ammon holds the rulebook of the competition in front of me with his finger near one of the rules, I read the rule he is pointing at and I burst out in laughter. Zalia could have taken Moon Stone Pack out of the competition by declining the Gamma position and I wonder if she isn't aware of this rule or that she has an agenda of her own.


I walk up to my room and decide to stay awake tonight, I can sleep after I have taken out Donovan and Gibson. At breakfast I will leave the device in my room am only going to breakfast to see how Donovan and Gibson react to being "Dead" and if they will automatically assume that I was taken out too.

To pass the time until I can get into action, I write down all the Pack names that are in the competition and I give each of them a number in the order I will take them out. My first target will be Moon Storm Pack, just because of the remark Rick made and I start bughing when Twilight tells me what I should do before taking them out.

Chapter 18 Growling Finished

"Lights are out on the Alpha and Beta floor." Kianda says in my head and I slowly get out of bed to grab my handgun. 1 check if it is on before I open my bedroom door and walk towards the hidden staircase the Omegas use, it will take me to the Beta floor and Alpha loor without being seen.

My first target is Donovan and as I reach the Alpha floor I peek around the corner to find the hallway empty. I walk to Donovan's room which is not far from the master bedroom, I have to be real quiet as Luna Hester is a light sleeper and I don't want her to catch me in the act. Even though I have a feeling she wouldn't say a word about it.

When I reach Donovan's room I take a deep breath before I slowly open the door and as I look into his room I want to scream on the top of to find out

y lungs, there is omeone in bed with him. I sniff the. who it is and I nearly vomit when I smell the scent of the one person Donovan always said he would never want near him.

Twilight reminds me of an app Slater downloaded on my phone, it is able to make infrared pictures and I think it will be a good time to try if it really works. I walk closer to the bed to get a great shot and after I take the picture I send it to Gaia, she will print it for me All that will be left to do is to tape it to his door before the Omegas start walking around the Pack-house.

Donovan has placed the device on his nightstand and aim at it to take a shot, the word "Alive" changes to "Dead" in a split-second. I smile as I quietly leave his room to make my way down to the Beta floor, before I reach the end of the hallway a widely smiling Nyx shows up and through the mind-link I tell her what to do with the picture.

The Beta floor is deserted as well and I get to Gibson's room without any problems, I slowly open his door to quickly step inside. His device is on the dresser next to the door and under it is the envelope Sila gave to to the bed.

Donovan, I quickly take pictures of its contents before turn my attender it is the envelope Sila gave to

Gibson isn't alone either and I take a picture of the scene in front of me, before I turn towards the device. I shoot at the device and again it switches from "Alive" to "Dead" in a split-second, I smile as I walk out of his room. Kianda is waiting a few feet away and she tapes the picture to the door the moment I have closed it behind me.

"I hope Kali and Elinor find the pictures."Twilight says and I know that if they find the pictures all hell will break lose. By the time I have killed both of them and have returned to my room it is near four in the morning. I place the device on my dresser near the door before I turn in for a few hours of sleep.

Roaring from the floors above me wake me a few hours later and I smile as I realize that Donovan and Gibson just discovered that they are out of the competition. I quickly get dressed and exit my room at the same time Dad exits his room, both of us run up the stars to find Donovan and Gibson on the landing of

the Beta floor.

Alpha Brad looks at both of them as they show him their devices and he shrugs his shoulders, "Too bad. I had hoped you would make it further into the competition." He says and see two very pissed off Sisters walking towards their Brothers, even Alpha Brad takes a step back from them.

"What the fuck is this?" Both of them ask in unison as they hold the pictures in front of their Brothers, Donovan tries to take it away from Elinor but he hadn't counted on his Mother. Luna Hester grabs both pictures and I see a murderous look appear on her face when she sees what the pictures show, she turns them towards Alpha Brad for him to take a look.

Alpha Brad roars as his eyes are glued to the pictures, the entire Pack-house shakes from the aura that seeps out of him and everyone submits to Alpha Brad lower my head out of respect for him but his aura doesn't affect me, it has never affected me and I learned quickly to hide that fact from everyone else.

Chapter 18 Growling Finished

Alpha Brad orders everyone to the dining room through the mind-link and I know he will expose Donovan and Gibson's little secret, I hope he will reveal their elimination from the competition first. Dad places his arm around mt shoulder as we walk down the stairs and I see all of our Pack-members walk to the dining room.

"I will not waste to much of your time. Alpha Brad says "Our leadership has been taken out of the competition. I had hoped they would have gotten further into the competition, but we don't always get what we want. The next thing I want to address is something I had hoped would never happen with my Son, he chose to sleep with a Pack-member and so did Gibson."

I can hear murmurs all around me and everyone is looking around to find out who they might have slept. with. Alpha Brad clears his throat and every head snaps hack towards him, "I have decided that Donovan and Gibson will not take over the Pack, their Sisters will form the future leadership for Moon Stone Pack." He says.

Kali and Elinor stare at him, while Donovan is growling at his Father. Luna Hester doesn't hesitate to smack him on the back of his head.



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